
Tarah felt a knot form in her stomach. The idea of seeing Ezekiel with another woman stirred a mix of emotions within her. It was a selfish thought, she knew, especially considering the uncertainty of her own future by his side.

"Yes, she's the only woman who managed to get close to King Ezekiel. She's the daughter of Marquess Fidel of the Northeastern region and also the newly appointed Minister of Justice!" Cora elaborated, her voice carrying a hint of awe. "We all used to train together with King Ezekiel in fighting. They became good friends during that time, but no one spoke about it before or gave it much meaning, since Lady Greta was always one of the boys, you know? She even had short hair styled like a man's. But now, things have changed. She looks more like a lady compared to before."

"Come, let me help you get ready. King Ezekiel will surely be delighted to see you!" Cora's voice was brimming with encouragement.