The Portrait

At the Kingdom of Zion

Cora diligently oversaw the assistance efforts in the kingdom of Zion while continuing her search for Lady Tarah. "How come it seems so hard to find her?" Cora murmured weakly as she sat on a bench in the castle courtyard. 

The sun was going down, and it would be dark soon. How many days had it been since she arrived in Zion? There had been progress in the kingdom's rebuilding, but her search for Lady Tarah remained fruitless.

If possible, she would love to find Lady Tarah soon before their king woke up, but it seemed increasingly difficult. Posting sketches everywhere would have been much easier, but their king wanted the search for Tarah to be discreet. They didn't want to attract too much attention, knowing many of Devon's loyal followers had escaped and were still on the loose. If they didn't tread carefully, they might end up putting Lady Tarah's life in more danger.

"Milady, would you like some tea?"