Simple Celebration

Traveling from Mount Sorel back to the Kingdom of Zion would have taken approximately a week by land and more than a week by sea. However, they arrived in an instant thanks to the teleportation spell of the White Wizard Master Magnus.

As before, Katelina concealed her face beneath a veil of shimmering silver and gold. Upon their arrival, the grand doors of the throne hall swung open, revealing a welcoming committee of loyal subjects who greeted her with courtly bows. Among them, Katelina noted soldiers bearing Ebodia's insignias, along with their mages.

Walking hand in hand with Levi, Katelina made her way to the center of the room where two thrones awaited. She intended for Levi to accompany her always, both as a learning opportunity and to ensure his presence in the affairs of the kingdom. Yet, she was equally mindful of allowing him to enjoy the innocence of childhood. So he would not spend too much time inside the throne hall like she would.