The Real Reason

At the Kingdom of Ebodia

After having lunch with his parents, Ezekiel called for a brief meeting in the throne hall to show his subjects that he was back and well.

"We're glad to see you back, Your Majesty!" Everyone greeted him with a bow as he sat on his throne.

"Please rise. This meeting won't take long. I have an important announcement to make." Ezekiel began, waiting until he had everyone's attention. 

"Our kingdom will join a week-long Global Summit before autumn ends. It will be managed and hosted by the Sorel Guild at Haven Forest. Official invitations will be sent out starting tomorrow, and I want you to prepare everything necessary for our kingdom's participation in this."

Murmurs filled the throne hall, and Ezekiel could see the surprise on everyone's faces. He raised a hand to call for silence.

"A Global Summit? Could you please enlighten us more about this, Your Majesty?" Minister Greg inquired.