
Katelina sent off Commander Cora and their convoy with heartfelt gratitude, ensuring that her people prepared gifts for them to take back to Ebodia as a gesture of thanks. She was also determined to give them a generous tribute in the future for their assistance to their kingdom. 

Right now, Katelina and Asura walked back inside the castle.

"Asura, I want some fresh air outside without my veil," Katelina mumbled to her friend. It had been a while since she was outside. She honestly wanted to check on her people beyond the castle walls, but Luis had been adamant about not allowing her to go out until he ensured it was completely safe.

She was genuinely thankful to Luis for doing an exceptional job handling the military affairs and security of their kingdom. It was a tough job, and she was glad to have someone she could trust for that task. She had also been very busy lately with numerous responsibilities, and today she particularly wanted to unwind.