It Was Me

Days passed by, and Elijah remained in turmoil about how to approach Greta and tell her the truth. He stood outside the door of her office, hesitating whether to proceed. King Ezekiel had given him an ultimatum to clear things up before the misunderstanding caused any problems upon his future queen's arrival in Ebodia.

With that, he took a deep breath and gathered enough strength to knock on the door.

"Minister Greta, it's me, Elijah. Can I have a word with you?" he called.

"Yes, come in," Greta answered, and with that, he opened the door. It was the first time he had seen her office, and she was seated in her chair, scanning some petition scrolls.

He coughed to emphasize his presence. Greta put down the scroll and looked at him with her bright smile. Elijah gulped because his heart always skipped a beat whenever she smiled at him like that.