Dragon Bond

Katelina released another long sigh after hearing Levi's explanation to her.

"It looks like everything is bound to happen, even the dragon is now choosing someone from Ebodia as its dragonrider," Asura muttered as she fed Ember and Onyx. She had a pout as she mumbled, "I can't believe none of you chose me. I'm the one feeding all of you."

Levi chuckled. "There are still eight unhatched eggs, Lady Asura. Who knows? One of them might choose you?"

Asura's face scrunched up as she scoffed. "When will they even hatch? Priest Saul mentioned the possibility of them taking a long time to hatch if not now. Will I still be alive by then?"

Katelina remained quiet, her mind in chaos. She released a deep sigh and asked Levi, "Did you brief Lady Cora on what to do about Aurum? We're not ready for the dragon's existence to spread since we haven't formed the dragon bond yet. They are not yet safe from being stolen."