Dream Catcher

Ezekiel halted in his trance and turned back to approach Cora. "Announce my presence to Queen Regent now and tell her that I want to have dinner with her inside her carriage."

Cora blinked rapidly and responded, "I will do, Your Majesty." She curtly bowed and began to walk past him, but Ezekiel added, "Also, get Aurum back and let it stay with you throughout the journey."

She turned to look at him, starting to protest, "Your Majesty, I—"

Before she could continue, Ezekiel cut her off, "That one bargained a deal with me. Bear with it for now until the Global Summit ends. If you truly think you can't handle the responsibility, then I will personally get it back from you, Cora."

She shrugged and replied in a low tone, "I will do as you say, Your Majesty." Ezekiel watched as Cora approached Katelina's convoy, patiently waiting in the same spot.