Chapter 2 : System

Kaiser stood in the corner of his little bathroom, back against the wall and hands raised. He wasn't really doing it as a defense mechanism, more out of a state of panic.

His face vividly displayed his confusion and surprise. After nothing happened for a few seconds, he decided to summon the courage to ask the voice what was going on.

"Who are you? And what is the Ultimate Athlete System?" He asked cautiously.

[I am the Ultimate Athlete System, a system specifically designed to help the candidates to conquer whatever sport they decide] the voice said.

"So you're a system? Is that why I can't see you?" He asked again, feeling less threatened than earlier.

[You can not see me physically as I am not a physical entity, however I can display myself for you on command. Would you like me to display the menu?] the system asked.

"Yeah, display the menu let me see." Kaiser said, coming to grips with what was actually happening.

[As you wish], the system said before displaying what was a drop down menu containing what seemed to be information about him.

He had read novels about similar things such as systems and regressions, but to be honest he would expect those kinds of things to happen to people in Europe and America, not Africa where he was.

A blue screen opened up in front of him containing information and various stats he could only assume belonged to him.

[Host - Oshomanoya Sohn Des Kaiser: A talentless prospect hopeful of becoming a Legend]

[Overall Host rating - F-]


[Dribbling LV 1]

[Stamina Lv 1]

[Finishing Lv 1]

[Pace Lv 1]

[Passing Lv 1]

[Agility Lv 1]

[Strength Lv1]

Ultimate skills - Locked.

As Kaiser looked up at the glowing screen hovering in front of him, he finally understood what was going on.

Just like in the stories and comics he had read he had been given a system! Was he a chosen one of some sort? Perhaps he was destined to be the best, that's why he got this system to help him.

"Why did you appear to only me though? Do I have some hidden potential? Like I'm destined to be the greatest footballer ever right?" Kaiser asked, slowly feeling proud of himself.

[Absolutely not, the host Kaiser would have become average at best in his past life and football career.] the system said coldly.

The smile on Kaiser's face vanished immediately and he was brought back down to earth. He was now a bit annoyed. "So why did you choose to appear to me?" He asked.

[The Ultimate system appears to those who otherwise would never have achieved greatness. There is no exact criteria for choosing a host. The host Kaiser was chosen by the metric humans would consider "Luck"] The automated voice answered.

He was chosen by luck? So that means that he was randomly given a second chance at life…. If not for this system, he wouldn't be here right now.

His body got goosebumps at the thought. However another thought crossed his mind, distracting him from the grim feeling that originally engulfed him.

"Those? Does that mean there are others with the system as well?" Kaiser asked.

[Error; This information is restricted as the Hosts level is too low.]

"Okay, then can I know where you came from? Or who made your?" He asked again.

[Error; This information is restricted as the Hosts level is too low.] the system said again.

Kaiser looked at the menu once again and saw his pitiful F- player rating. He didn't need to be a genius to know that was a poor rating for any player to have. However he was still young, meaning he had enough time to turn his situation around.

"So how are you going to help me become the best player in the world?" Kaiser asked, now serious.

[The ultimate system will provide quests befitting of the hosts and will reward the host accordingly upon completion of these quests. These rewards include skills, stat upgrades and rating improvements]

He took a second to think 'so as long as I can complete these quests I can improve my football skills!' He thought excitedly.

"So what kind of quests can I complete before I can improve my skills?" He asked.

[Understood. Here is the first quest for the host to complete.]

Suddenly, the system displayed a blue drop down menu with various quests.

[0/100 Push-ups : Incomplete]

[0/100 Sit-ups : Incomplete]

[0/100 Squats : Incomplete]

[0/10 Km : Incomplete]

[Time limit 24 Hours]

[These are the requirements for the first quest. The reward will be an increase to the hosts Strength rating]

Kaiser looked at the requirements for the quests and they looked pretty familiar. Almost as if they had been done by a bald Japanese anime character.

"Hmm, these quests look kind of familiar, are they from one pun-" but he was abruptly cut off by the system before he could finish.

[Will you accept the quest or refuse it?] the system asked him.

"Yes yes, accept the quest." Kaiser responded.

As he answered the timer began to count down and Kaiser remembered he hadn't asked about the consequences of failing the quest.

"What happens if I don't complete the quest?" Kaiser asked.

[A random stat will be reduced by one level.]

"What?! But my stats are already level 1?!"

[Correct, that stat will then enter into the negatives] the system replied calmly.

After hearing that, Kaiser quickly took a shower and put on his clothes. He entered the living room and saw his mother getting dressed for work.

"Where are you off too osho?" She asked with a concerned look.

"I wanted to go to Christopher's house, he's sick too so I wanted to hang out with him since you're going to work." He lied.

He knew that his mother wouldn't just let him exercise when he was staying home due to the heat, plus if she saw he was okay she could make him go to school and he would lose time to complete the quest.

"Okay dear, just make sure to be back before it gets dark." She said as she carried her bag and got into her old car, leaving their compound parking lot.

Once her car climbed onto the highway and she wasn't coming back, Kaiser locked the doors behind him and set off, more determined than ever to complete his quest!

He needed to do this for two reasons. First of all to be sure the system actually did what it claimed, and secondly to make sure he didn't waste such a golden opportunity that others could only dream of.