Guardians of the Throne

"Elara," Alexandre spoke softly, his voice a calm undercurrent in the storm of emotions. "Your sister's death was a tragedy, but you are not to blame. Circumstances beyond your control led to that fateful moment."

Elara looked up, her eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and longing. "I wish I could have protected her," she confessed, her voice choked with emotion.

"Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we cannot change the course of destiny," Alexandre replied, his tone gentle yet resolute. "What matters is how we carry on, how we honor those we have lost."

"I believe your father forgave you from the bottom of his heart. He felt guilty, and I could see his heartache every time you rejected his invitations to banquets," Alexandre added, his expression filled with understanding.

In that moment, Sullvian approached Elara with a respectful cough. "Princess, you mustn't shed tears yet. When the pillar begins to crumble, the people will flee from the house. You mustn't show this vulnerability near any of your soldiers. I know it's difficult, and I may come off as a heartless soldier, but to guarantee your safety, you must understand that weakness isn't something a princess with the title 'War Princess' should display."

While Elara, Alexandre, and Sullvian conversed, Maximillian and Adam rested on the bench Elara had pointed them to.

"When do you think they will come to get us?" Maximillian asked.

Adam shrugged. "Don't know, don't care. We're here to protect Her Highness, yet we aren't by her side."

"Do you really think Alexandre and Sullvian aren't enough to protect her?" Maximillian retorted mockingly. "They would do a much better job than we would."

Adam chuckled, conceding the point. "That's true, I have to give you that one."

"You know, when we were in that circle formation, I could smell that you were nervous when the first prince ordered the attack," Adam teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Maximillian chuckled, playing along with Adam's jest. "Aye, my knees were shaking, but on God, we would probably get wounded again."

After Elara finished wiping away her tears, she returned to Maximillian and Adam to gather them. Together, they followed Alexandre toward the chambers of the king.

In front of the imposing double doors, which showed signs of wear with visible cracks in the wood, two soldiers stood guard with spears in hand.

"Captain," one of the soldiers greeted Alexandre, bowing his head slightly.

"I'm sorry, soldiers of Elara, but I can only permit entry for Sullvian and Elara," Alexandre explained to Adam and Maximillian.

"It's fine," Adam replied nonchalantly, pushing off from the wall and joining Maximillian.

Left with only Elara, Alexandre, and Sullvian standing before the door, the guards respectfully removed their spears from the door's path. The guard who had addressed Alexandre proceeded to open the door for the three of them.

"After you, Your Highness," Alexandre said, gesturing for Elara to lead the way with a gentle sweep of his left hand.

Elara nodded appreciatively at Alexandre's gesture, her expression a mixture of resolve and apprehension. With a deep breath, she stepped forward and crossed the threshold into the king's chambers, followed closely by Alexandre and Sullvian.

The room was spacious and dimly lit, with heavy tapestries hanging from the walls and a large, ornate canopy bed dominating the far end. The air was heavy with the scent of incense and age, a reminder of the long years the king had spent within these walls.

As Elara's eyes adjusted to the dim light, she caught sight of her father lying on the bed, his form shrouded by a canopy of silk. His breathing was shallow and labored, his face pale and drawn. Despite his frailty, there was an undeniable regal air about him, a testament to his enduring spirit.

Elara approached her father's bedside, her heart heavy with a mix of emotions—grief, guilt, and a lingering sense of duty. The king lay unconscious, his breathing shallow and labored, his face pale and drawn. Despite his frailty, there was an undeniable regal air about him, a testament to his enduring spirit.

Alexandre and Sullvian stood respectfully by Elara's side as she reached out to touch her father's hand gently.

"Father," Elara whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "It's me, Elara."

The king remained still, his eyes closed and unresponsive. Elara's hand trembled slightly as she clasped her father's hand, seeking a sign of recognition.

"Elara," the king's voice murmured weakly, barely audible. "My dear daughter..."

Tears welled up in Elara's eyes as she realized her father's words were barely a whisper. She squeezed his hand gently, longing for a stronger connection.

The king's grip was feeble but reassuring. "There's nothing to apologize for, my dear. You did what you had to do."

Elara's throat tightened with emotion. "But I—"

The king interrupted softly, "Hush now, Elara. You have always been my strength, even when our paths diverged."

Sullvian stepped forward, his voice respectful but firm. "Your Highness, we are here to ensure your comfort and safety. Is there anything you need?"

The king spoke towards Sullvian with his eyes still closed from exhaustion as he huffed, " that you, Sullvian? If it is truly you, I must thank you. I am grateful for your service and dedication."

Alexandre remained silent, his presence a reassuring anchor in the solemn room.

Elara took a deep breath, composing herself. "Father, may I speak with you alone for a moment?"

The king nodded weakly and slowly said, "Of course, my dear. Sullvian, please give us a moment."

Sullvian and Alexandre exchanged a glance before silently stepping back, leaving Elara alone by her father's side.

Once they were alone, Elara took another deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. "Father, I need to tell you something."

The king remained motionless, his breathing heavy and labored, his eyes still closed.

Elara hesitated, the weight of her words heavy on her heart. "Father, I...I need your forgiveness. For all that I've done, for the lives I've taken in the name of our kingdom."

The king just listened and then responded again, word for word. "Elara, you have always carried the burden of leadership with courage and conviction. I have no doubt that your actions were necessary."

Tears streamed down Elara's cheeks anew. "But, Father, the blood on my hands..."

The king tried to raise his hand towards Elara's cheek but it fell back onto the bed from exhaustion as his breathing worsened. He spoke, "My dear, you have always been my valiant daughter. Do not carry this burden alone. We must all make sacrifices for the greater good." After those words, the king fell quiet, his breathing slowing and becoming more shallow.

Elara nodded, her heart swelling with conflicting emotions—relief, sorrow, and a profound sense of love for her father.

Meanwhile, outside the chamber doors, Maximillian and Adam stood guard, their expressions serious but watchful. They exchanged a glance, silently communicating their shared concern for Elara.

They then turned their attention towards Sullvian and Alexandre, noticing the sadness etched into their expressions.

"His majesty spoke….He spoke…" Alexandre whispered before him, tears forming in his eyes.

Seeing this, Sullvian embraced his brother-in-arms and patted his back reassuringly.

"He spoke, Sullvian. It's been so long since I last heard his voice," Alexandre said, looking into Sullvian's face. Sullvian gently held Alexandre's cheeks and touched their foreheads together.

"Alexandre, your duty. You are the King's Guards Captain. Do not falter now; you've come so far," Sullvian reassured him with a steadying tone.

Maximillian and Adam observed the exchange with solemn understanding, fully grasping the weight of responsibility that rested upon Alexandre's shoulders.

Inside the chamber, Elara remained by her father's side, her heart heavy with emotion. She gently brushed the king's hair with her hand, cherishing this moment of closeness.

"Father," she whispered, her voice filled with love and longing.

The king's breathing continued to slow, his body growing still. Elara felt a pang of fear and sorrow, but she remained composed for her father's sake.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a servant cautiously entered, bowing low before Elara.

"Your Highness, forgive the intrusion," the servant said softly, "but there are urgent matters that require your attention."

"I will come shortly," Elara replied, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil.

The servant bowed once more and withdrew, leaving Elara to collect herself.

As Elara stepped out of the chamber, she exchanged a brief glance with Sullvian, Alexandre, Maximillian, and Adam, silently conveying her gratitude for their support. They nodded in understanding, their gaze following her with concern.

Then Sullvian and Alexandre went inside the chamber of the king again, Alexandre and Sullvian stood together, their bond strengthened by shared sorrow and duty. They exchanged a solemn look, silently reaffirming their commitment to the king's legacy.

"We must stay vigilant," Alexandre said, his voice steady, "for the sake of the kingdom and our beloved king."

Sullvian nodded in agreement, his expression resolute. "Together, we will uphold his honor and protect his legacy."

Both men saluted their king, bidding farewell for now.