Grandmaster Mao is waiting for you.

The following day Master Shen called Li Jun into his house to discuss the matter with the pill tower. Grandmaster Mao had sent him a letter and explained that Li Jun was a rare talent that he had only seen once before in his life and that it was a waste to have him spend all his time practising martial arts. 

Master Shen agreed. He said that a true cultivator doesn't specialise in one thing; to become a master you had to learn to rely on yourself. If you couldn't find a pill refiner when you were injured and deep in the wilderness, you would almost definitely die - unless you knew how to refine pills to help recover your strength.

If you were far away from civilization and your weapon broke, you would be in serious danger unless you had backup weapons, or knew how to create basic and crude weapons out of materials you could salvage from beasts.