Is this all you’ve got?

The formation hummed as it closed in around the city lord's mansion. Three men sat side by side, looking up at the sky as they monitored the formation to ensure it had been activated correctly. 

"This bastard again." Shen Tai muttered. "I thought he would have grown up after all these years, but he is just the same as he was back then."

"Lieutenant Shi isn't my concern." Master Shen said. Along with the news that Shen Tai's old enemy had arrived, there was a report that Li Hong had sent a letter requesting help from his wife's family. 

"The Kang Family Patriarch is also here. If he manages to defeat Li Zhang, he will come for us next. There's no way he would pass up a chance to gain control of Spirit City." Master Shen warned the other two, then fell into thought.