When am I wrong?

The carriage fell silent as the wheels began to churn. The spirit beast horses pulled it quickly, to the point where passing trees looked almost like a blur. It became clear why Master Shen had hired the coachman. If they continued at this pace, it would probably take only a day to arrive.

"What is it?" Li Jun asked, looking across at Shen Yun, whose face was still burning bright red.

"You know what!" she said, embarrassed by his previous display. "You can't just take off your clothes like that. What if someone else saw?"

"Someone else?" He asked, confused. "You're worried about someone else seeing me shirtless?" Li Jun laughed. 

While training, his clothes often got drenched in sweat. He would often train shirtless. He had even done it at Master Shen's house. He wasn't entirely sure why she was making such a big deal out of it.

"That's not—" She stuttered. "Never mind. But you can't just strip like that. You might give me the wrong idea!"