Make me.

"Ignore them." Shen Yun muttered.

However, Li Jun smiled, putting on a polite face as he turned toward the small group. 

"What is it, Elder Brother?" He cupped his hands and offered a bow to the young man.

The young man smiled wider, knowing he had gained Li Jun's attention, and then strolled toward him. He got close and then leaned in further.

"Give me your room. I will pay you one hundred spirit stones." He said with a grin. 

The woman in blue frowned as if she was going to say something, but Shen Yun stopped her. 

"Forget it. It's no use trying to stop him." She muttered.

The woman in blue frowned even more; Shen Yun's comment confused her.

"I'm sorry, elder brother." Li Jun said politely. "I'm afraid one hundred spirit stones isn't enough. I booked a suite, and as you should know, the starting price is one thousand spirit stones."