They're watching, aren't they?

Li Jun lurched forward. A white glowing rock sat just a few meters away, it looked exactly like the woman had shown. It even had the rune engraved on one side.

Shen Yun gasped. She, too, couldn't believe it. What were the chances of them being transported to a spot next to a token? 

Li Jun rushed forward towards it. He didn't want to give anyone else the chance to take it. However, he soon found himself forced backwards after his face smashed into an invisible barrier, preventing him from approaching. 

"What the!?" Li Jun cursed. 

"Didn't you hear what she said? The test won't begin until everyone has entered. I guess we have to wait until then." Shen Yun laughed. But if Li Jun had waited a moment longer before dashing off to grab it, she would have tried to take it instead.