You can't hide.

Shen Yun cried out. A resounding painful cry as she fell to her knees. Li Jun's heart rattled against his ribs as he got up and darted towards the cry. 

"What happened?!" He asked as he looked down at a small puddle of blood that had formed below her. Deep crimson trickled between her fingers and rushed down to the ground. 

He pulled out a few pills he had gathered just in case they ran into trouble. Blood coagulating pills. Unless you lost a limb or punctured your heart, it would stop the bleeding. 

Shen Yun gritted her teeth as she held her lower abdomen, where the blood leaked out. He Ning was nowhere to be seen.

"She stole them." Shen Yun muttered as Li Jun pressed two of the pills against her lips and waited for her to swallow them. 

"She stole the tokens!" She shouted with a look of despair.

"That's not important." Li Jun said as he pressed his hand down against her stomach. "You're bleeding."