Spatial Gloves.

"Take it." Zhu Ru Shi said. She held out a delicate hand and, in her palm, presented a dark gray pill. The pills he was used to were white and pure looking; the gray made it almost seem dirty by comparison.

"What is it?" Li Jun asked.

"A new type of poison. It's part of our deal, remember. If you don't want me to kick you out, take it." She said. 

"What does it do?" He asked.

"Take it and you will find out."

Li Jun sighed. 'Why is she so insistent that I take it? I don't even know what it is.'

"Can you at least tell me the ingredients?" He asked, wanting to air on the side of caution. Although she seemed friendlier now that she wasn't overseeing the sect examination, he still didn't trust her. Only an idiot would take a pill without knowing what it would do to them. If he knew what it was made from, he could guess the effects if he was familiar with the ingredients.