Bone Serpent.

"Ah, The Grand Elder, it is my honor to meet you." A ghostly, pale young man with long, bony limbs bowed as Li Jun followed his Master into the treasury.

"It's nice to see you too, Calgrac." Master Cao said as they approached his desk. 

"Ah, it is joyous once more. Grand Elder's disciple has graced me with his presence." The man said in his strange rhythmic dialect. It was almost as though he spoke to the beat of a song only he could hear.

"It is nice to see you again Mr Calgrac." Li Jun bowed, he was sure that he had butchered the pronunciation of the man's name, but he didn't show it on his face. The strange looking man simply smiled. 

"What can I do for you, Grand Elder, and Grand Elder's disciple?" Calgrac asked with a confused expression. 

"Didn't your Master tell you?" Master Cao asked, "We're here to visit the Caverns." 

"Yes, that is correct," Calgrac said. "The Master did inform my humble self of such things. I will take you. Come."