The Man-Creature and Demon.

Li Jun's cries had long since turned to a muffled breath at the beast. From head to toe, he was covered in bloodstained cuts and various bruises where he had been hit by the whip from one man and an iron rod by the other.

"This will all be easier if you just admit you're guilty." The woman said. "We won't need to interrogate you anymore."

'That's probably true.' Li Jun thought as he looked at her through a blackened eye. 'But you will probably just kill me at that point.'

The constant questions followed by a beating if he refused to answer or answered in any other way than they had wanted him to be tiring. He could no longer feel his right leg, but he could see it had swelled to twice its usual size. He figured the blood was gathering there since he was hung up by his arms.

"Fuck you!" He spat, and the man with the iron bar stepped forward to strike him again, aiming for his face.