The Dark One.

Within the wall, there were rooms. Barracks for the guards to sleep, bathrooms, and meeting rooms. It was like its own miniature military base inside a wall. After Li Jun returned to the top of the wall with the child, they took him to a small room with just a table and chairs inside.

Su Hai sat opposite the child, and Li Jun sat beside her. The others waited outside, where a caged window allowed them to see inside. 

"What is your name?" Su Hai asked in the native language of Yingong. The barbarians spoke a slightly different dialect from the regular citizens; however, it wasn't very different. 

Kin hesitated as his eyes darted toward Li Jun, who sat with his arms folded on the table. He looked intimidating but not frightening like Chief Bao did.

"Kin." He answered in his accented tone. 

"It's nice to meet you, Kin. I'm Su Hai. Do you have a family name you would like me to call you by?" 

"Family name?" He asked, confused as to what she meant.