This battle is far from over.

Despite the puddle of broken and mangled bodies, it didn't halt the barbarians in their charge. They strode over their fallen comrades, stomping their remains into puddles of mush as they continued onwards. 

The gigantic sword quivered again. It thirsted for their blood. Li Jun felt the sword lunge forwards, almost ripping out from his grip as it tried to tear the enemy apart. He felt a sudden wave of dread wash over him. 

'What is this thing?' He thought to himself as the barbarians drew closer. He knew to defeat them, he would have to be brutal. The plans he and his companions had come up with were questionable. However, the feeling this sword gave him was unlike anything he had experienced before. It was a thing of absolute evil. There was no other way to describe it. It thirsted for blood like a man trapped in a desert would thirst for water. It needed it to survive.