A More Suitable Match?

A few hours earlier, right after Aksai's 18th birthday feast concluded...

"Alright. Enough chit-chat. What do you think of the boy, Jasmine?" Reman Linyoi, Jasmine's father, asked eagerly as they distanced themselves from Aksai's farm.

"Father, shouldn't you have consulted me first before considering my marriage to that man?" Jasmine replied sharply, her irritation evident in her voice.

"Hm?" Reman was taken aback by his daughter's response. "Jasmine, have you forgotten? It was you who broached the topic of your marriage a few days ago," her father reminded her, glancing at Jasmine as they walked side by side.

"I did bring it up, yes. But for a different reason. Certainly not because I wanted to marry some ordinary farm boy," Jasmine wrinkled her nose in irritation at the thought of Aksai and his unremarkable presence as a Spirit cultivator.

'Then why did you bring up the matter related to your marriage? Haah! Her mother is just as unpredictable as this girl. Even after all these years, I still don't understand women,' Reman mused to himself, sighing inwardly as he gazed ahead before addressing his daughter in a calm tone.

"Jasmine, I didn't arrive at this decision haphazardly," Reman assured her, his voice tinged with understanding.

"Although Aksai Everwood may not be able to boast significant achievements in Spirit cultivation, he appears to be a fine young man. He keeps mostly to himself, diligently tending to his Spirit farm.

I've also heard that he's increased his annual income from the Lakir Family by supplying additional produce from his farm. There's a chance his income would increase in the future if he increased his proficiency as a Spirit farmer.

While he may not excel in Spirit cultivation, his earnings could greatly aid your own cultivation efforts. With your aptitude, you should have no trouble reaching the late stages of Spirit cultivation, especially with the resources provided by both myself and Aksai."

Reman concluded, meeting his daughter's gaze.

"Hehe," Jasmine chuckled upon hearing her father's rationale. "You've certainly thought this through. But, Father, what if I told you there's another man I see as a more suitable match, someone better qualified to be my future husband?"

"Hm?" Reman's eyebrows shot up in surprise. It dawned on him just now why his daughter had broached the subject of marriage a few days prior.

It appeared she had already chosen her potential partner. "Who is it? If he's someone I don't approve of, you're better off marrying Aksai—"

Reman was about to voice his thoughts when Jasmine cut in.

"Father, his name is Raak Shinzai. He was recently accepted as an outer disciple of the Purple River Sect, and he's already in the late stage of the Spirit Refining realm.

The reason I didn't mention him earlier was because he planned to approach you himself after dealing with some sect matters," Jasmine explained, playfully tugging at her father's arm.

"So that's it," Reman was momentarily speechless, his expression shifting from surprise to a wide grin as he realized his future son-in-law's affiliation with the Purple River Sect.

The Purple River Sect held significant sway in the region. At its helm was a Core Formation cultivator, effectively ruling the Rokur kingdom.

Additionally, the sect boasted numerous Foundation Building Experts who only answered to the Core Formation cultivator's directives. Even the royalty of the Rokur kingdom had to show deference to them when enforcing laws and maintaining order.

Despite its power, the Purple River Sect had no interest in directly governing the kingdom's secular affairs, focusing instead on cultivating dedicated practitioners. Why would a 3rd order sect waste its time and efforts to look into the mortals' matters?

An outer disciple of the sect held a status akin to that of an elder from the prestigious Lakir Family. Even the head of the Lakir family would tread cautiously when dealing with sect members, mindful of potential repercussions.

If Reman's daughter managed to marry such a man, both her and his social status in society would increase significantly. Additionally, his daughter's cultivation would progress rapidly with the help of her potential husband.

Reman didn't dare to entertain thoughts of his daughter or son-in-law becoming Foundation Building Experts.

Such aspirations were too lofty for the current Reman, a mere Spirit farmer. However, the chance for his daughter to be associated with the Purple River Sect promised a future brighter than he could have ever imagined.

"Hahaha, my daughter, you've brought me wonderful news," Reman exclaimed, patting her shoulders with more force than usual, nearly causing her to lose her balance. He paid no mind to her slightly irritated expression as he continued.

"Don't worry. When my son-in-law Raak Shinzai comes to ask for your hand in marriage, I won't make things difficult for him. Haha."

Reman had consciously chosen to overlook Raak Shinzai's family background and economic condition. He didn't concern himself with the man's age, appearance, or demeanor. As long as Raak remained an outer disciple of the Purple River Sect, that was sufficient for Reman to consider him as his future son-in-law.

Of course, Reman wasn't making a radical decision by favoring Raak Shinzai over Aksai as his daughter's future spouse. This was simply how the cultivation world operated, and he was merely following its unwritten rules.

Jasmine's smile blossomed like countless jasmine flowers in a garden upon hearing her father's words. She knew that Raak's status as an outer disciple would be enough to sway her father's earlier decision.

The reason she and Raak had waited to reveal their relationship was to allow him to become an outer disciple and achieve that status on his own.

Jasmine's expression then took a sharp U-turn as she thought of something else. "And what about Aksai, then? Have you already agreed to Aunt Reta's request and received some privileged talismans from her?" she inquired, eyeing her father.

"Hmm," Reman stroked his chin thoughtfully for a moment before a knowing smile spread across his face.

"Let… let me worry about that. I'll take care of everything. Just make sure to invite Raak Shinzai to our home for tea and snacks in a few days," he instructed as he walked ahead.

'I'm sorry, Madam Reta. I have nothing against you or that boy. But sometimes, destiny has plans beyond our control,' Reman mused silently, heaving a sigh.