Making an Example Out of Lin Sahu

Serenity Peak. Martial World Sharang.

As the dusk descended, the sky remained as bleak as ever.

The surviving citizens of Serenity Peak had essentially lost track of time since the existence of the Devil's Den, trapping them within a gray fog domain that obscured sunlight. 

Step. Step. Step.

A lone martial artist made her way through the crowd.

At this juncture, Lin Sahu emerged, standing before the imposing gates of Everwood Palace. The martial artists surrounding her erupted into cheers, simultaneously lambasting the palace owner for his "selfish" hoarding of food supplies.

The crowd clamored to plunder Everwood Palace, cloaking their intentions under the guise of "fighting inequality" and "seeking justice for the needy."

It seemed some individuals were adept at concocting any bullshittery to justify their actions.

"Silence," the elderly yet robust Lin Sahu commanded, her voice resonating with qi-energy to reach all ears.