Four Years Later: Preparations Complete

Aksai first activated the primary Array Formation, which created a stable environment for pill concoction.

The formation glowed softly, its light bathing the room in a reassuring blue hue. Aksai then summoned a small alchemical furnace from his spatial ring, setting it down gently in the center of the formation.

With practiced hands, Aksai started the fire beneath the furnace using a concentrated burst of Spirit essence. The flames flickered to life, burning with a steady intensity.

He placed the first ingredient, the hundred-year-old ginseng, into the furnace. It sizzled and began to break down, its essence blending with the flames.

Aksai made a few hand signs and lines of Essence Equations appeared in the air. He pointed at the furnace and these spectral equations disappeared into the furnace.

Aksai's eyes were focused and his movements precise as he added the other ingredients one by one, following a specific order and timing.