Might Maketh Right

Aksai took a deep breath, savoring the crisp, revitalized air of the cave.

"First, let me change to my regular form."

With a thought, he reverted back to his original appearance. His druid form was retracted, leaving him looking like the Aksai he was used to seeing in the mirror.

First things first, he thought. He cast a few simple Spirit spells, feeling the ease with which his Spirit essence responded.

A cleansing spell whisked away the grime and sweat from his skin, leaving him feeling fresh. Another spell tidied up the remnants of his breakthrough attempt, restoring the cave to its pristine state.

"Why… Why do I feel like I'm sensing this world around me for the first time? Or was this world always so bright and it was only now that I could process its beauty for it is?" Aksai asked himself and smiled.