Leaving White Mountain City

As the auction event neared its conclusion, the atmosphere in the grand hall remained charged.

The auctioneer introduced the next item with a flourish.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our next item is a rare and powerful one-time-use item—a top-grade 2nd-order Formation Dissonance talisman. This talisman can disrupt and dismantle complex formations, making it invaluable for overcoming formidable barriers and obstacles. The bidding will start at 25,000 spirit stones."

'I…. am I…. still poor? What kind of starting bidding amount is that?'

Aksai's eyes widened as the talisman was unveiled. The intricate runes and shimmering energy it radiated hinted at its immense power. This talisman could be the answer to his problem at the 2nd-order Everwood farm.

But the starting price alone was daunting. Aksai knew his current resources couldn't cover such a hefty sum. He watched as the bidding began, the price climbing swiftly.

"Twenty-six thousand!"