Chapter 1

How far will you go to protect the thing you care about the most? Most people will say they will do anything to make sure they protect the thing they care about the most, but that's easy to say when you aren't facing danger. But what if you are? If that were the case, would you keep your answer or would you end up flaking? Well, some will do anything, but most falter, even more so when violence is the only solution. But why am I saying this? Well, people have many things that they care about; status, money, power, and then there is me. The only thing I care about is my sister, Yuki Fukushima. 

She is my step-sister, but let me make it clear that our relationship is strictly platonic. I have no sexual desires toward her. We have only been siblings since last year, but she acts like we've known each other forever. As much as I would like to have a better relationship with my sister, that isn't my job. My only goal, my raison d'etre, is to protect her with all my might. You might think that this is excessive given the fact that she is my step-sister, but there is a reason for that. She is the heir to the Yuriko Clan, one of the most influential and powerful organizations in the entire country of Japan. She has a target on her back, and it's my job to make sure that target gets taken off. However, she is still a child and needs to be taught how to lead, needs to acquire the skills necessary to survive in the real world once her parents retire and she'll bear their responsibilities. 

So, they decided to send us to the Kanto Region Advanced Learning Facility, or KRALF. Not the name I would've come up with, but then again, I am just a bodyguard. Because of that, it's my job to look up to where she goes daily. This school contains students who are the best of the best, people with extraordinary talents, or parents who are just rich enough to send their children here. Either way, there are a lot of opportunities for people to zero in on Yuki-chan, and I can't allow that to happen. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tetsuo Fukushima. That is the name that I have been given. Now that introductions are out of the way, let us begin our new life at KRALF. 

The bus that we are on comes to a halt, and people start to get off. When my sister was about to move, someone pushed her aside.

"Sorry 'bout that." 

The guy says that and turns around to look at Yuki-chan. The guy was tall, wearing the school uniform. His hair was long, black, and slicked back like it was styled with oil. He looked like he was from a booker gang, or was cosplaying as one from the appearance he gave. He was also wearing sunglasses, which I found strange since the sun wasn't that bright today. When he noticed Yuki-chan, he began aggressively flirting with her.

"On second thought, you're pretty cute. Mind if I bump you even more?"

It was at this moment that I put my hand on her shoulder and moved her close to me. I began speaking to this guy.

"I would suggest you keep on walking."

"And who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm her brother."

"Brother? You?"

We exchanged words with each other, and he then looked at Yuki-chan again. He continued, this time directing his attention towards Yuki-chan.

"Come on. I'll be a better protector than this weakling."

"Sorry, but my brother is the only protector I need. He's not as low as you are."

"What did you say?"

Yuki-chan snapped back at him. The guy then lifts his hand and tries to grab her. I quickly redacted and intercepted him, grabbing his hand and looking at him with the intent of harm. I gave him one last warning. 


His face changed from a sly look to a horrified one. He backed off and exited the bus. 

"Are you okay?", I asked Yuki-chan.

"I'm fine. Thank you for being there for me again."

"It's my job. Now, let's get off before the bus leaves with us in it."

After that exchange, the both of us left the bus and entered the school. We were directed to the auditorium. Inside, there were 200 students. No, scratch that, there were 360 students, divided into 3 grades, 4 classes per grade. It looked like the entire school was there. We are all standing in line, like soldiers, until a man walks up on the auditorium stage. He's dressed in a school uniform, but he wore glasses and appeared well-groomed and presentable. That must be the Student President. He gets to the podium and begins speaking.

"Hello everybody. Most of you know who I am, but for the newcomers, my name is Shin Kiyabu, and I am the Student Council President at this academy. It is with the utmost pleasure that I greet the new students who have decided to attend Kanto Regional Facility. This is a place where you will receive the best education anywhere in the country. With this, the school will also provide you with the tools necessary to advance in your life, with jobs, universities, and a multitude of opportunities. However, this doesn't come for free. Coming to this school in itself means you have extraordinary abilities and talents, but in this school, you have to prove it. You have to show your talents and why you deserve to attend this school. If you fail to do that, then you will be expelled."

That's just great. I might have to try a little. But, I might not have to as well. I guess it would be up to fate to decide. He continued speaking.

"We can only provide you with the tools necessary for you to succeed. It's up to you to figure out how to use them. That is how our society functions and that is how our school must function to prepare you. As of this moment, you are being handed a document that lists your class, schedule, and the rules and regulations of our school. Once you receive this, you are free to leave and go to your assigned class. Thank you for attending this school and good luck."

With that, the President got off of the stage. I looked over at Yuki-chan, who was standing beside me. I asked her whether she got all that or not.

"You got all that Yuki-chan? You can't be lazy in your academics while you are here. Imagine what Father would say."

"You shouldn't worry about me too much Brother. I get better grades than you."

She responded quickly and sharply. However, she's not wrong: I do get worse grades than her…on paper.