Changes identified

Mark's POV:

Wait, did I miss something? Why did Mia's dressing seem off? Did she really change her dressing style, and her mood also seemed off? Did she pretend to be happy? Was that a fake smile? Huh? I'm right, I know her so well. Something must have happened, but what? Should I ask her? No, she won't say anything. She always hides her pain. Hahaha, I will find out on my own. Yeah Mark, do that.

End of Mark's POV.

Mia changed her seat and dressed in full black plus a cap. The day went on peacefully, and she sat quietly and attended all the lectures until her favorite lecturer asked, Guys, do you have any news on Mia?

Everyone said, No, we failed to locate her. Even her friend didn't give us any useful information.

One of the girls near Sara whispered, I don't think she is even worried about her.

Sara was so upset and stood up. What do you think of yourself? Do you even know our relationship?!!!

Hahahaha, sit down, baby girl. I saw you busy following Jake around the campus rather than helping us find Mia?! I was so confused. What relationship do you have with Mia if you can't even tell us where she is? And you have the audacity to call her your friend?

Hahaha, you're friends? Haha. She was cut off when a voice came from the background.

I'm here, Doctor...

Wait, Mia? The lecturer asked. Where have you been?! We looked for you everywhere. Lady, reply now!

Hey Sara, didn't you tell everyone that I was sick and I couldn't do anything? Mia added.

Sara turned with a blank face and said, You were?!

Sara's POV:

What? Why is she smiling? Mia, I know you, so you can't fool me.

Hey, hey Sara, are you there? Mia smiled widely. I told you the other day I was sick. Did you forget? Oh my dear! Hahaha, you're too much. You made everyone stressed over nothing, Mia said to Sara in a low and concerned tone.

WHAT? Sara, we asked you again and again, and you said nothing???! Why?

Sara replied, I'm sorry. I ..i ..i

Huh? Sara stop your drama please!!!

Ha! She only says sorry...who...

The lecturer cut off Rita so she couldn't finish her statement.

Okay guys, let's stop this topic here. Mia is okay and well, that's what matters. Mia, make sure you come to my office. Come before this afternoon.

Jake was in the corner watching everything and shook his head because he couldn't believe his eyes and ears. He hoped she would at least recall his face, but Mia just passed him without making eye contact. Jake felt hurt, so he no longer stayed seated. Before he could move out, Rita called him.

Hey, so you really like Sara?! Man, I feel bad for you. I truly pity you. Okay, see you Jake. I'm going to feed my mouth before I say something dirty. Hahaha, see you, Rita said mockingly while running towards the back door.

Jake gazed at Mia's back, not understanding why she was acting happy when he knew the entire truth. Mia, stop whatever you're planning. It will hurt you more, he spaced out for some seconds and then walked slowly out with teary eyes.

Mia's POV:

Oh, I like the look on your face, Sara. Wait, you think I forgive you? In your dreams. Fuck friendship. Aaah, I hate you, Sara. Haha, I will give you a lesson so you never dream of hurting anyone else, not even your enemies. I only wish I had seen it coming sooner, then I wouldn't be hurt this way. I hate that I trusted you. Wow, Papa, do you see? My close friend has broken my trust once again. Hahaha, trust, trust, trust...ah.

End of POV.