Fluttering Hearts and Hidden Terrors

Mia stood, heart fluttering as he left. Warmth spread through her, but fear gripped her seeing a stranger. Mia pretended to be her mother and explained to the worried neighbors, easing their concerns.

Why do you stare at me like that? Mia asked, a mix of curiosity and bashfulness in her voice.

Jack shyly shook his head, his cheeks turning a soft pink. Goodbye, Mia, he said, his voice trembling slightly. He hurried to his car, giggling nervously. As he drove off, his heart raced, and he accidentally swerved, gripping the steering wheel tightly while laughing at his own awkwardness.

Mia stood in place, her heart fluttering as she watched him leave. She felt a warm, tingling sensation spread through her. Once Jack was out of sight, she sighed and glanced around before heading back to her house. As she approached, she noticed someone standing near her home, and her heart dropped. A cold fear gripped her, making her chest tighten. She tried to conceal her fear, her steps hesitant, as she walked around her home toward the neighborhood, her instincts screaming that something was wrong. Who was the man at her door?

Her phone rang, jolting her out of her thoughts. It was her mother. Panic surged through her. What had happened? The thought of her mother in pain made her breath catch in her throat. She remembered the lights were off, and her mother feared the darkness. She frantically tried to turn on the lights remotely, but nothing worked. Frustration and dread gnawed at her. She wanted to confront the stranger, but the urgency to check on her mother propelled her forward without hesitation.

Mia leaped over the gate, her movements desperate. The rough ground cut into her stomach, but she didn't care. All she felt was her mother's panic and cries. Reaching the side door, she placed her trembling hand on the wall, revealing a hidden locker. She used her voice, eyes, fingerprints, and a pin to open it, unveiling a narrow path. Without a second thought, she dashed into the passage, her fear fueling her steps.

Mia's POV:

Mama, I'm coming. Her voice was resolute, her face determined. She kicked the wall door shut behind her, her hair whipping into her face. She tied it into a ponytail, praying silently, God, please let her be fine.

End of Mia's POV.

When she reached the basement, her heart shattered at the sight of her mother. She was huddled in a corner, trembling uncontrollably, her legs pulled up to her chest, and her head buried in her knees. She was murmuring Mia's name repeatedly, Mmm, Mia, Mia, mmm, Mia, clutching herself in sheer terror.

Mia's eyes darted around, desperately searching for answers. Who had done this to her mother? Her hands balled into fists, a mix of fear and anger coursing through her. She approached her mother, gently placing a hand on her head. Mama, mama, I'm here, she whispered softly.

Before she could embrace her, her mother pushed her away, screaming so loudly that the neighbors heard and rushed over. No, I will sign them, take all the magnets, please leave us, she sobbed, her hands pleading, terror etched on her face. She continued mumbling the same phrases until she passed out, leaving Mia feeling utterly helpless.

Mama, I'm so sorry I wasn't here. What triggered your panic attack? Mia's voice was filled with worry and fear as she sat close to her mother, her heart aching with the weight of unanswered questions.

Placing her hand on her mother's head, Mia began singing a calming song to soothe her. Her mother was shouting, repeatedly saying, I will sign the documents, leave my child alone! Her voice shook with terror, and her body trembled unconsciously. Mia's heart ached, sadness washing over her as she witnessed her mother's distress.

Mia sang until her mother's shaking lessened and she finally calmed down. She covered her mother and then went to see the neighbors. Dressed like her mother, Mia went downstairs wearing a red dress and a black scarf around her neck, her face partially covered with another scarf.

When she opened the door, five older ladies, covered in warm clothes with worried faces, stood there.

Hey, why are you all still awake? Mia asked, her voice tinged with concern and a hint of excitement, hoping they wouldn't see through her disguise. 

We heard someone shouting in your house. It sounded like someone was in danger, one of the ladies explained, her face etched with worry.

I was on my favorite series, and I heard you well and clear, another lady added. I called everyone, and they all said they heard you screaming. Are you alright?" the taller lady asked, her voice filled with fear and concern as she tried to check if Mia was really fine. She turned Mia around and felt relieved to see she was okay.

I'm fine, see? Mia said, opening her hands and turning around. I'm sorry, I was watching a horror movie, and I shouted because my hero was being attacked. It was so scary, and I was trying to save him," she explained, forcing a laugh to relieve her neighbors' worries. Inside, she felt a mix of fear and excitement, hoping her lie would hold.

The women, though initially worried, began to laugh and mock her. You really gave us a heart attack, one said. Hahaha, she was trying to save her hero. Hahaha, did he even hear you? Another laughed. It's not funny; don't do it again.

Wait, one of the ladies interjected. I even brought my man out, she added, causing confusion among the group.

Where is he? They all asked at the same time, searching the area but seeing no one.

Here, she said, pulling a gun out from the handbag she was carrying. See?

Mia-Rosey laughed so hard that her stomach ached, and the rest of the ladies were in stitches too. Hahaha, friend, I thought you came with your husband! Now you're cheating! Mia mocked the lady with the gun, clutching her sides.

Lina, barely able to breathe, added, Please stop talking, I'm dying here! Hahaha, her face turning red from laughing so much.

The lady holding the gun innocently claimed, Hey, I'm not cheating. My husband gave it to me, so that's why I call it my man when he's not around or on a business trip. It protects me...

HAHAHAHA! Mary, Mary, please stop talking! Haha, oh my God," the taller lady laughed so much she started heading home. Guys, I can't laugh anymore. It seems Mary won't stop. Good night, I'm exhausted. And Rosey , make sure you don't watch more horror at night. You might kill us one day.

You all are crazy. Mary, please take back your man, he might catch a cold, Mia mocked her, laughing so hard that everyone joined in. They all said good night and went home to rest. The night had started scary but ended up joyful and funny. Everyone laughed and felt happy.

Mary, still confused, asked Mia-Rosey, Did I do something funny? Her voice sounded questioning, and her stare demanded an explanation from Rosary.

I don't know, Mary. Go and rest, okay? It's late, my dear friend, Mia-Rosey smiled, assuring her everything was fine and she didn't have to worry.

Mary nodded, headed home, opened her house door, and waved at Rosey with a smile.

Mia relaxed, letting her hands drop. In the process, she saw a shadow near the palm tree by Mary's garage. Wait, I think I saw someone there. Who is it? Has Mary gone inside or maybe her husband? Mia brushed off the thought and headed back to be with her mother.

Again, she seemed to see someone running away. Fear gripped her heart as she sprinted towards the stranger, tearing her mother's red dress because it was too long and made it difficult to catch up. Mia's heart ached at the thought that he might be the one who terrified her mother.

Mia's POV

If you're the one who made my mom so terrified, I promise I will kill you! Her speed increased, and she was nearly within reach of the stranger. Heavy breathing and tired, she didn't give up, her face full of determination. The man struggled with his breath, so Mia threw away the scarf around her neck to run more easily.

End of Mia's POV

Before she could reach him, her phone rang. She checked it as fast as possible. Mom! You're awake again. I'm not there! She felt sad and worried.

Looking back, the stranger was long gone. She punched and kicked the air in anger. Mom is awake, and I lost him! Aaah! she shouted and headed back home.

She ran as fast as possible, reaching home to find her mom still lying in the same spot. She covered her, ran, and embraced her with teary eyes, asking if she was okay and what had happened.

Shhhhhh—let's sleep, my baby girl, her mom said, making her stop all her nagging. They both lay down, Mia's eyes filled with tears, anger, fear, and worry, but also relief that her mom was well. Yet a question remained in her heart: why did her mom have that terrifying panic attack? Something might have happened, but what?

Her mom felt her restlessness and commanded her to close her eyes and try to sleep, saying it wasn't good for her health to think too much. Holding her into her embrace, Mia finally slept.
