
Stubbornness can also be a means of survival, driven by a mix of determination, fear, and the sheer will to endure.

I was about to fight him. I had meticulously planned my trap, but that guy intervened. Mia's voice dripped with frustration, her eyes narrowing as she glared at the stranger. Her fists clenched at her sides, and her jaw tightened with barely-contained anger. With a sharp side-eye, she stormed out, her footsteps heavy and purposeful, calling out in a voice laced with fury, demanding whether the inspector would follow her or stay there. Her expression darkened with every passing second, her anger visibly simmering just beneath the surface.

Inspector John glared at the young man across from him, his eyes a complex mix of sorrow and gratitude. He bowed his head slightly, whispering, 'Thank you, stranger,' with a faint, almost bittersweet smile. As he turned to face the furious and stubborn Mia, his smile faded. Shaking his head with a resigned sigh, he straightened his expression, his shoulders tensing as he stepped toward her. Together, they moved away, seeking somewhere quiet.

Alex was left in a whirl of confusion, his mind reeling from the inspector's unexpected actions. Questions tumbled through his thoughts, each one more bewildering than the last: Why did he smile like that? Who is he to her? He rubbed his temples, trying to make sense of it all, but the more he thought, the more tangled his thoughts became.

Frustration gnawed at him, and he finally stood up, his movements jerky and restless, needing air to clear his crowded mind. He stepped outside, the cool breeze hitting his face, but it did little to calm the storm inside him.

Why am I so drawn to her?* he wondered, his brow furrowing in confusion. Why are you even feeling this way?* He clenched his fists, a sense of helplessness washing over him. This is crazy—we just met!

In a burst of frustration, he tapped his forehead hard, wincing at the sharp sting. The pain seemed to ground him for a moment, but the confusion still lingered. The wind blew softly, ruffling his hair, and he took a deep breath, trying to let it soothe his chaotic thoughts. But no matter how hard he tried, the questions and emotions refused to settle.

I said I didn't even ask for his help, but he still called out to me. I kept walking, trying to find an open area where I could lead the stalker and finish him off. Finally, I found a spot so open and clear that I knew I could take him down quickly.

But just as I was about to act, the stranger intervened, showing up like some kind of hero and completely throwing off my plan. I hated it, but I had no choice—I had to leave with him, and we went. I lost my chance.

As I turned to face the wall, she pushed me aside. Furious, I shouted, but the inspector just stood there, hands in his pockets, staring at her with pissed-off eyes.

I'm telling you, I acted scared and terrified—my acting was so convincing! But he... I don't know what he did, but he ruined my plan!' She rubbed her thighs with such force that Inspector John was shocked.

Mia stopped mid-sentence, her face contorted with confusion. Her brows furrowed, and her eyes darted around the dimly lit room, searching for answers. Wait, who pushed me? Who the hell pushed me? she demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear. Was it you, Inspector John? If it was you, why did you push me? she shouted, her tone growing more frantic as she glared at him.

The room felt oppressive, with its low ceiling and flickering lights casting eerie shadows on the walls. The cramped space made everything seem more intense, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. The inspector stood near the doorway, his face hardened with anger. He didn't say a word, but his clenched fists and narrowed eyes spoke volumes. Without a word, he raised his hand and pointed behind her, his expression a mix of irritation and disdain.

A sudden wave of dread washed over Mia as she slowly turned around, her heart hammering in her chest. Her breaths came in short, rapid gasps, her chest rising and falling as panic set in. She felt the room closing in on her, the air heavy with tension. Her eyes fell on the familiar fabric of her mother's dress, and before she could react, a sharp, stinging slap landed on her soft cheek, snapping her head to the side.

The sound of the slap echoed through the small room, amplifying the shock of the moment. Mia's eyes widened, tears welling up from the sting and the humiliation. She tried to speak, her lips trembling, but before she could get a word out, another slap struck her other cheek, even harder this time. Her head jerked in the opposite direction, her skin burning from the impact.

Don't you dare speak! her mother screamed, her voice trembling with fury. Her whole body shook with rage, her face twisted in anger as she glared at Mia with eyes full of fire. Mia's heart sank, and she felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead.

The inspector, sensing the intensity of the situation, silently stepped out of the room, the door creaking as it closed behind him.

Who the hell are you to try and act like a fighter, huh? her mother screamed, her voice trembling with rage as she advanced on Mia. Her hands were shaking, and her face was flushed with fury. "What were you planning? What? Do you have a death wish?" She jabbed a finger into Mia's chest, her eyes blazing with anger.

Who gave you the right to risk your life like that? And now you're blaming that young man who saved you? You should be grateful, but instead, you're just showing off! Her mother's voice grew louder and shriller with each word, her frustration boiling over. She threw her hands up in exasperation, pacing back and forth as she tried to contain her fury.

Her outburst was so loud and intense that people passing by stopped to gawk, their eyes wide with curiosity. Some peeked into the room, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion. The inspector, caught off guard by the scene, tried to step in and explain, but the torrent of her mother's anger drowned out his words.

As the screams finally died down, her mother's anger seemed to drain away, leaving her exhausted. She sank to the ground, her body trembling as she shook off Mia's hands, which had reached out in a desperate attempt to console her. Her mother's eyes locked onto Mia's with a cold, piercing glare, full of hurt and disappointment. Mia felt her heart sink, and she instinctively backed off, her own hands trembling with guilt.

She stood there, her shoulders slumped, feeling the weight of her mother's words. Guilt gnawed at her as she looked down at the floor, unable to meet her mother's gaze. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she bit her lip, struggling to hold them back.

"I only told you not to get involved in anything that could hurt you—or worse, lead to your d—no, God forbid," her mother's voice cracked with emotion as she began to sob. "I only have you, Mia," she choked out, her hands gripping her own arms tightly as if to hold herself together.

Her mother's anger gave way to despair as she continued, her voice softer now but no less intense. Do you know how restless I was, waiting, terrified, until I saw you safe and sound outside the hotel's windows? But you... She shook her head, her voice trailing off in disbelief. We are going back home, she finally said, her tone resolute, though her body shook with the remnants of her anger and fear. I can't let this happen again.

Mia stood frozen, her guilt weighing heavily on her chest. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, she just stood there, tears streaming down her face, as the reality of her actions and their impact on her mother sank in.