A Primarch or Matriarch By Creation.

Currently, inside Justinian's heavily guarded lab, he was analyzing the frozen corpse of the Green Lantern and his Ring. After the Space Wolves dealt with the Green Lantern, they brought his still-frozen body back to Mars as it was good research material. 

As Justinian looked at the body encased in black ice he was quite pleased. He placed his hand on the ice and he split it down the middle allowing him access to the body. Since the Lantern had died when he had used his willpower to make a Mech, when the ice was removed the Mech fell apart. 

The Green Lantern ring instantly tried to fly away to find a new host as it was programmed. However, Justinian reached out and he caught the Ring in his hand. 

"Not going to happen." 

Remnosh, Lauralina, Leona, Magna, and Sanguinia watched on as he grabbed his Mother Box. He brought the Sentient Computer toward the Green Lantern ring which the Mother Box latched onto. 

The Box began to hack into the ring's programming and turned off its search function. Once that was turned off, the ring went inert, but not inactive. Justinian smiled as his box sent him the message that it had completed its work. 

"Well done." 

He could sense that his Mother Box appreciated the thank you. It by itself floated and attached itself to his belt. Now that the Lantern Ring was no longer able to search for a new host he could now study it all he wanted. 

He walked over to his work table where the Lantern Battery was placed. When the Space Wolves dealt with the Green Lanter, they then forced the World the Lantern was protecting into compliance. At the capital of that world, they found the Battery which they brought to Justinian. 

He smiled to himself as he gazed at the Green Power Battery which worked as a conduit to the main Power Battery at Planet Oa. The home base of the Green Martians. 

As he held the now inner ring in the palm of his hand he was interested in seeing if he could customize the Power Battery to serve his own interests. However, just as he was going to begin doing that, he felt Remnosh grab his shoulder. 

"Justinian, I think the clone is about to finish." 

He turned around and gazed at the clone he had created. It was not his Daughter, just as the Primarchs were not really the sons of the Emperor. They were lab-grown weapons of war as the Emperor had said. They were genetically related, but not truly in the real sense. 

This clone he made was also nothing more than one of his many experiments. However, just like the Emperor, he would allow her to call him Father if she so pleased. He would at the minimum not be an emotionless terrible role model as that was step number one to get betrayed. 

All his wives knew this child they had grown in a tube was not their child. She was a sentient weapon created to fight against Trigon. However, just like Justinian, they were not going to be terrible. They would try this out to be a practice run which sounded cruel and heartless. 

He placed the Green Lantern ring next to the Power Battery before he walked over toward the Gestation Pod of his Primarch. The same ones that Constantine Valdor had warned the Emperor about. Constantine always felt the Primarchs would cause more harm than good. 

In the end, his prediction came out to be true. That was why, Justinian always placed both genetic and soul control systems in all his creations. This clone was no exception. Now that he was standing in front of the pod, he saw that the child inside had grown to about the size of a five-year-old child. 

He kneeled before and he waited a few more moments before the alchemical liquid started to drain away. The child was made from a small portion of his and his wife's DNA, a soul made from the fused souls of 10 Demonic Raven Clones, and Trigon's genetic material. 

Of course, he was ready to kill her if she went out of control, but that didn't seem to be needed. When the child opened her eyes, they were bright pink and they gazed around at the world in wonder. 

He raised one of his eyebrows in wonder as he touched the top of the pod to open it. He reached inside and he grabbed the small girl with one of his gigantic hands. Clothes were materialized around her as she had been naked. 


The small girl had a pair of black spiral horns, pale white hair, and bright glowing pink eyes. Justinian even felt his cold heart soften at how adorable she looked. Almost like a robot, he held her with both hands before bringing her close to his face. 

"Hello, child." 

Remnosh, Lauralina, Leona, Magna, and Sanguinia all stayed quiet. They kept to the side as this was a new experience. This was a good example of what he would be like as a Father as Eldora was his niece, not his child. 

The girl since the soul he created for her had been purified to prevent any resentments was basically an infant. However, her Gene Forged body meant that just like a Primarch she would learn and grow quickly. 

He sent out a Psychic Probe and he began to gently upload some basic information. English and High Gothic alphabet, grammar, and some basic knowledge that a child would know. 

When he did that, he waited a few moments as she closed her eyes to process the knowledge that had been inserted into her mind. At that moment his wives surrounded him as they looked at the girl in his arms. 

Sanguinia took her from his arms before hugging her close. 

"So, what are you going to name her?" 

He shrugged. 

"Beats me. Number 1." 

That instantly got him a bunch of dirty looks. He smiled as he could still joke even after all he had become.

"I am joking, I got a name. Legienstrasse. 

The girl, no Legienstrasse as he had named her opened her eyes which were still glowing brightly pink. It seemed she inherited the glowing eyes from him as his eyes never stopped glowing gold and purple. 

It just seemed it had been muted in her to a bright pink. Now that she fully assimilated the information that he had given her she opened her mouth. 


Justinian nodded. 

"Yes, you can call me dad. I don't mind."

Legienstrasse seemed to smile at that and then she turned to look at Sanguina who was carrying her. The blonde Burning Martian smiled which with her beautiful face seemed quite assuring. 

"While we are not really your parents, you can consider us your parents if you want. I am Sanguinia, the frowny blonde is Leona. The blonde with the glowing tattoos on her face is Lauralina. The redhead is Magna, and the black-haired goth is Remnosh." 

Everyone turned to her as the way they got described was terrible. Legienstrasse tilted her head as she repeated the word that stuck in her head. 


Justinian wanted to laugh as that was a hilarious second word. 

"Ha, her second word is Goth and that would be incorrect. Remnosh isn't a Goth, she is an Emo." 

Remnosh opened her mouth to speak, but she just sighed. 

"I am not." 

He shrugged as he walked away back to the Power Ring and Battery he was going to research. 


While he began to mess around and analyze the Power Ring and Power Battery, his wives carried off Legienstrasse. They wanted to get her to say more things and to give Justinian the time he needed to discover the properties of the Power Ring. 

However, as they did that, Legienstrasse looked over their shoulder. As Justinian grew further away, she reached out with her hand. He turned around as he could sense her feelings. 

"Hold on." 

The girls stopped walking so he waved his hand and pulled Legienstrasse toward him. He placed her on his shoulder as it seemed she wanted to be with him. 

"I guess we all should be with her. I guess." 

They smiled as they sat around him as it seemed he still had a soft stop under all his Godlike indifference. As they sat down he continued his research, but he now had some company. He couldn't complain really as it wasn't like he couldn't spare some time with Legienstrasse. 

She wouldn't stay small like this long so he might as well enjoy it. 


While Justinian did his research into the secrets of the Green Lantern Power Ring and Power Battery, he also continued to speak to Legienstrasse. Since she was a genetically engineered being, he psychically taught her, she could understand things a newborn could not. 

As he spent time with his family and the new Primarch or Matriarch cause of her gender, The Imperium around him continued to progress. With each day, his fleets cut the void apart as they took more and more systems into The Imperium. 

Things were going well and for the most part, they only ran into weak civilizations that were easily brought into compliance. The location of Planet Tameran was noted as it wasn't going to be as easy as other planets. 

Justinian also didn't think they would need to invade it as they could use diplomacy toward the Tamaranians. However, as Justinian continued to grow stronger, the gods began to take note of him. 

As he had refused to connect to the God Space, he was not drawing power from one of the Seven Forces of DC. All his power came from within meaning he was the most free to act without the need of an Avatar. 

Some of the Gods and Demons took note of him because of what he had done. The way he was growing an intergalactic Empire was not new as many species throughout history had done so. The difference was that Justinian was an outsider, someone from outside the DC multiverse. 

The Martian Gods and the Kryptonian gods, including Rao took note of him because of his actions. The Martian Gods despised him since he made them lose every single one of their worshipers. 

Now, their power had waned so much that even sending an Avatar would be impossible. As for Rao, the supreme god of the Kryptonians he was rather pleased the Kryptonian race was back. 

However, like the Martian Gods, he didn't like what Justinian had done. Normally they would have made contact, but creating Avatars around Justinian was nearly impossible. His unique abillities made him capable of harming gods especially because of his many enhancements.

All they could do was plan for the future as they would need to one day, face Justinian as he grew higher and higher. 


Not only were the gods thinking of Justinian, but someone who had a grudge against Justinian was thinking of him. Darkseid after the death of his son and uncle to Justinian made it his goal to get revenge to recover his pride. 

He had been preparing a second armada, as he prepared to destroy Justinian at any cost. He would wipe his Imperium from the face of the map, but it wasn't going to be easy. Even more so now that Justinian was stronger than ever. 

Justinian had just been growing stronger and now his Imperium by itself was a force to be reckoned with. No one who would start hostilities would get off easy when facing Justinian. 

(Alright, explanation time for my lack of posting. My free time has been spent at the gym rather than at my computer. It sucked since I missed writing.)
