A Way Out.

After Justinian and his Honor Guard returned from a meeting with Darkseid he began to prepare for the coming war. He wasn't going to commit the mistake of underestimating the forces of Apokolips, but that didn't mean he wasn't fully confident in himself. 

Against an Avatar, he would be hard-pressed to lose with his abillities especially now, that he had gotten much stronger since his last fight with Darkseid. Once they had all returned to the Imperial Manor in D.C, and he was back in his throne room he extended his Psychic Might across the entire Imperium. 

At this point, his Imperium enclosed a large area of the segmentum. That was just a small part of the galaxy, but still a massive Empire. One by one everyone on the planets and colonies in the Imperium froze when his psychic might enveloped them. 

"This is the Emperor speaking, for the first time, we have a declaration of war. Not one of our conquests against weaker foes, a genuine war. Darkseid had returned and he dares to think he can kill me and destroy my Imperium. This shall not be allowed, prepare for war, my citizens." 

When he cut his message, he turned to his Honor Guard. 

"The greatest asset of my Imperium is all our technology incorporates Magic and Psychic energy. While most of Apokolip tech is advanced, their weakness is their own people. Nothing more than slaves. Their main fighting force is their Parademons, and as we know they can't match our individual soldiers. 

They are also not safe or out of our reach."

Justinian reached down and touched the Mother Box at his hip. The sentient machine responded to his touch with pulses of impulses that translated to happiness. The machine wanted to get back at its former masters and it would do whatever it could to do it.

As Justinain pondered on this, Sigismund spoke up.

"My Emperor, I suggest we attack preemptively. We shoukd attack with a several Battle Fleets, several Legions of Space Marines, Kryptonians, Krorks, all of us and we deal a massive blow before they can ammas an army to fight us." 

Next to Justinian, Ddraig, and Albion manifested, and from the look of things they agreed. Ddraig liked the idea and he had plans to make it as decisive and crippling as possible. 

"Sounds like a plan to me. If the three of us coordinate our strongest attacks and Boost up to the maximum we could destroy the planet in its entirety." 

Albion who was usually the one who thought more before he acted agreed. Just because he was more willing to think out an alternative didn't mean he didn't love destruction. 

"I am in full agreement. If Ddraig, Ddraig and Justinian, coordinate on powering up a massive attack while our armies deal with the armies of Parademons, we can end the war and deal a blow to his power. Darkseid's power is linked to his planet and vice versa, even if we can't destroy it, we can damage it beyond immediate repair." 

Justinian thought about it before he agreed to the idea.

"I am in agreement. We will be launching a full invasion of Apokolips, I want you to begin mobilizing a massive army. Call back 10 of the Crusading Fleets for the invasion. If Darkseid wants a war, we are going to give him one. One that he will remember till the day I kill him." 

One after the other his Honor Guard all slammed their fists on their armor in agreement. Darkseid wouldn't know what was going to hit him as once Justinian put the full force of his Imperium against a single foe. 

Over the next couple of weeks, every single world in The Imperium got put on War alert. While each world was heavily defended already, when at war with Darkseif more was always going to be better. 

So far, none had been attacked, but that didn't mean an attack couldn't come at any moment so high alert was crucial. However, will the preparations were on their way for the assault on Apokolyps, Justinian had left his home Universe, Earth-0 also called the Prime Universe. 

Through his Mother Box, he had taken a Boom Tube to Earth 49, the Injustice Universe. Ever since he had arrived in the DC Universe, Justinian had been planning on finding a way out to access other realities. 

The issue was that crossing the Source Wall was beyond risky and he had no interest in spending the rest of his life as a T-posing statue. Instead, he had been wanting to find someone like Angstrom Levy who could open portals to not just DC, but Marvel as well. 

When Doctor Fate gave him the heads up, he used his future sight when he arrived in the Injustice Universe to see if he would get what he wanted. What he saw almost made him laugh as he saw Mark Grayson would arrive soon. 

Mark Grayson, Invincible of the Invincible Comics which meant that at this moment Angstrom Levy was tormenting Mark's Mother and Brother for revenge. That was his best chance to capture him and use his Reality Traveling Powers for himself. 

With that, he could safely enter and leave the DC Universe and travel to the Marvel Universe. There he could continue his path of increasing his strength and one of his plans required him to arrive there. 

He wasn't alone, as he had brought Sigismund and Remnosh with him since he didn't plan to stay long or get involved in this Earth's business. Why bother with one Earth when he would gain access to the greater multiverse with the power of Angstrom?

 At the moment, Sigismund was sitting on the ground with his sword on his lap. He was running his Psymagic through the blade which over time had improved the sword's abillities. Remnosh was doing the same for her Lightning Claws while Justinian was looking at a single spot in the middle of the roof. 

While he did that, Remnosh glanced up to ask him about it. 

"So what are we here to get?" 

Justinian glanced over at her and Sigismund who opened one of his eyes to listen. 

"In just a few moments a bright green portal will open up and a teenager dressed in a hero costume will jump out. Before the portal closes we will jump through and capture the man responsible. 

His name is Angstrom Levy, he can open portals to alternative dimensions which will allow us to be able to leave our home Dimension easily. We won't need to risk going through the Source Wall and we can safely plunder other realities to make ourselves stronger." 

Sigismund glanced up from his sword before he walked to stand next to Justinian. 

"I can see that you already have a use for this power. Do you have a plan, my Emperor?"

Justinian turned his head and looked Sigismund in the eyes. When Sigismund looked into Justinian's bright golden purple eyes he could see amusement in them. Justinian was going to say something he found funny. 

"Tell me, my friend, do you think I am strong?" 

Sigismund nodded as of course he did. He hadn't met anyone who could claim to be stronger than Justinian at the moment. 

"Of course I do, you are the strongest person I know."

Justinian grinned. 

"Once I get access to this power, my strength now will seem insignificant. I just got to get the items I need and to do so, I need to leave this reality." 

Remnosh glanced up. 

"Where are we going?" 

He just smiled without explaining. 

"You will see, right about now."

As he said that, right in front of where he was standing a shimmering green portal opened up. Without missing a beat, Justinian extended his Psychic abillities and grabbed onto Remnosh and Sigismund with telekinesis and he leaped toward the open portal. 

Before Mark Grayson even had a chance to fly out of the portal, Justinian reached the portal. He reached out with his hands grabbed the edges of the portal and forced it to grow larger by feeding it Divine Energy. 

With the portal now large enough for him, he jumped through it with Remnosh and Sigismund. As the three of them entered the portal, Mark slammed into Justinian's chest like a bug on a windshield forcing the air out of him. 


Justinian, let go of Sigismund and Remnosh before he glanced over at Angstrom Levy his target this entire time. However, he had one problem he was far too tall for this small house. 

His head smashed into the ceiling which was quite embarrassing. Sigismund and Remnosh didn't have it any better as they were all massive individuals. Rather than deal with the ceiling. he waved his hand and warped reality forcing the house to grow to support his massive size. 

Once they managed to get to their feet Sigismund and Remnosh stood at Justinian's sides as it seemed he had reached his target. Justinian smiled as he grabbed Mark off his chest and pushed him off causing the teen to fall to the ground. 

"I would first like to introduce myself. I am Justinian and I am here for you. Angstrom Levy." 

Angstrom was still holding onto Debbie and baby Oliver and from the look of things he had no clue what was going on. 

"WHY? What do you want?" 

Ddraig manifested an Avatar behind him and grabbed him by the back of his neck. He lifted him off the ground with a single hand managing to get Debbie and Oliver away from the insane Angstrom. 

"I got the fucker." 

Justinian who didn't have his helmet right now, grinned as his path to even greater strength was at hand. He walked over Mark who scurried to the side to not get stepped on. 


Angstrom wanted to use his powers to get away, but that wasn't possible since Ddraig used his Divine Authority of Domination to leave Angstrom powerless at the moment. He couldn't use his dimensional powers, use any strength to struggle, he was at Justinain's mercy. 

Justinian reached out and grabbed Angstrom by the face before he lifted him off the ground. 

"You have no idea how long I have waited for this chance Angstrom. Probably before you even became aware of your own powers, but now, they are mine." 

Mark picked himself up and got between Justinain and his mom. 

"Who the hell are you anyway?" 

Justinian glanced over at Mark before he explained himself briefly. 

"I guess I can give you the courtesy. I am Justinian, a God and an Emperor, a God Emperor if you will. My Empire is situated in another reality and leaving my home reality is dangerous, but Angstrom here is my key. 

I have waited for this opportunity for many years and now I have it. We will meet again, I am sure, Mark Grayson. Before I leave, I will take this one and something else." 

Justinian aimed his hand at Invincible before he took a blood sample of his Viltrumite blood. It wasn't as good as Kryptonian DNA, but it didn't have to be. It was still useful so once he had that and Angstrom he used his Psychic might to dominate Angstrom's mind. 

This caused the madman's eyes to glaze over allowing Justinain full control of him. With him under his control, Justinian had him open another portal back to Earth 49. Once the green portal opened, Justinian walked through with his new prisoner. 

He, Sigismiund, and Remnosh walked behind him. When they were through the portal closed behind them. Once he learned how to harness the power of Angstron he could travel to the Marvel universe and acquire the infinity stones.

With the stones, he could evolve himself even further and reach a state of power his current abillities couldn't compare to. Once he plundered the Marvel Universes' artifacts, bloodlines, and materials, his strength would surge beyond measure. 

Enough for his purposes in the greater scheme of things. 
