True Power

After giving the Watcher a small heart attack, Justinian returned to Earth. After completing his ascension, even if he had lost the Infinity Stones he didn't need them any longer. All of their power and more had been plundered by him enhancing all his abillities to extraordinary levels. 

With just a flex of his psychic abillities, now backed by his new bloodline and Aether, he could see the entire universe in his gaze. He could even see the boundries between universes and thanks to the stones, he had received a great amp to everything. 

His ability to dominate, Space, Time, Souls, Reality, Minds, and Power was absolute. He knew the innate abillities of Albion and Ddraig would have had to evolve meaning for all he knew, The Boost would not quadruple his power, but increase it to 8 times. If that was the case, he was truly blessed. 

However, Ddraig had to rain down on his parade. 

[It is sad to say that this is not the case. From what I can tell, it is still a quadruple; it is just passive. Meaning you won't need to actively use it. Still, quite the boon I had to say. It is Defense Breaker that got the true upgrade I will say.]

As for Albion, he was rather happy about the enhancement to his abillities. 

{I got lucky, from what I can see, the Divide is something far more powerful. Want to rename it?} 


{Oh, like Rimuru?} 

"It fits does it not?" 

[Not going to disagree with you there. For me, I haven't changed the name of the Boost even after all this time. Does it need to change?]

Nyandra'Zatha responded from Justinian's armor. The former Mother Box seemed much more expressive than before. 

"At moments like these, the saying of 'if it is not broken.' applies." 

Justinian agreed with her so after he arrived back on Earth, he specifically did so at the Gate connecting the DC and Marvel Universe. He knew that keeping this connection could be risky so he was planning on hurrying up his plans. 

When he arrived, he gazed out at a consent stream of troops and ships moving through. Already, Space Marine Librarians had set up a defensive perimeter around the entire Solar System. 

All that stopped when Justinian stepped through a crimson-black portal. He wasn't even doing anything to announce himself, but just what was released forced everyone with souls to freeze. 

The metaphysical weight of his and his brother's soul seemed to press down on those around him. His Honor Guard despite the suppression pushed past it to stand before him. One by one they fell to their knees in loyalty. 

At the front, his wives looked down at the ground as just now when he arrived their psychic bond slammed into their minds. Through that bond, they could feel just how much stronger his soul and mind had become. 

Not far from them his Predakons lowered their heads and lowered their wings in a bow. As his familiars, his Aether was already flowing through them and from the look of it they were staying awake out of pure willpower. 

Justinian helmet with a thought split apart to reveal his face. His appearance had not changed much at all except for his eyes. 

"My Companions, I bring great news, I have achieved my aims. My ascension is complete. It could not have been possible without all of you. Now, share in my glory." 

Drawing on the Laws of Domination and Supremacy, on the back of every single one of his Honor Guard a burning crimson brand appeared. It was of two Dragons, coiled around a spear. One of the Dragons, Ddraig burned a deep crimson while Albion glowed a deep blue

As for the spear, the Aether flowing through it filled the bodies and minds of his Honor Guard with power. Now, for the final ingredient to show them as his Divine Guards. 

He held his hand out and from his palm emerged 50 drops of his blood. Of course, blood that had been diluted as this was designed for him. With a flex of his will, the drops of blood merged with the brand of his Honor Guard filling them them all with power. 

"Rise my companions, and join me." 

As for his wives, through their psychic bond with him, they already had a connection to him just that they would need time to adapt. His new blessing would speed up the process for them to adapt. 

One after the other, they forced themselves to stand. They all drew their weapons and they slammed them into the ground. 


Justinian slammed his fist into his chestplate and one after the other his Honor Guard repeated the gesture. As for his Predakons, he smiled and he raised his hand. The five robotic dragons walked toward him before they lied down at his feet. He placed down his spear and he ran his hands down each of their faces. 

"You all have been at my side this whole time. Now is the time for you to rise."

With a thought, he drew his pets into his soul. He had long since been able to do this, he just never did, but it would give his Predakons the time to adapt. Once they were safely tucked away in his soul, they might as well be inside one of the most defended places ever. 

Justinian walked toward his Honor Guard who could feel their power rising by the second. The blessing he gave them worked off their faith and trust in him. The more they believed in him the more power they could draw. 

That also extended to Ddraig and Albion meaning they now had a rudimentary connection to his Laws. However, that wasn't good enough so once they were around him he decided to give them one more blessing. 

"You all have served me well for many years, now receive your reward." 

Small pieces of his Necrodermis armor fell off before they flew off and began merging with the armor of his guards. Through their blessing, his biomancy took effect and the many bloodlines he had enhanced began to evolve. 

Each one of his Honor Guard had started off as Burning Martians before being enhanced with Kryptonian, New God, Zarnian, and Tamaranean blood. Under his biomancy, all those bloodlines began to merge into one with their Burning Martian blood forming the core. 

Even their skeletons which much like his own had been fused with Nth Metal and the alloys of their armor received just a little bit of Necrodermis. Under his control, each one of his Honor Guard and his wives grew far stronger. 

Their souls, minds, bodies, bloodlines, and gears, grew far more potent as they evolved under his control. When the process was over, each one of them didn't look any different other than their armor taking a darker tone to match his own. 

None of them were as extensive or ornate as his own, but they didn't need to be. Once their ascension was complete, the power of his Honor Guard would be a fraction of his own, but they would face nearly no equal they could not face. 

With the process over, he began walking forward causing them to follow him. 

"Now that my ascension to greater power has been achieved, it also means that our time in this reality will need to be cut short. In all honesty, with our actions, this timeline is fated to be cut away anyway."

So, our best course will be to get as much as we can out of this timeline before we leave. Tell me, how many of Earth's people died?" 

Remnosh answered that as she had made sure they killed as few people as they possibly could. 

"This Earth had around 6 billion people, during our take we dominated the minds of most people so we only had to kill around a little over 200 million people. We also made sure to collect the souls before they passed on." 

That was just what he wanted to hear. 

"Did you happen to catch a man named Tony Stark by any chance?" 

Perturabo nodded. 

"I was the one who went into the companies of this Earth, Stark Industries in particular. Their technology while not too advanced did have a functioning Arc Reactor. So I captured a man named Tony Stark as he was greatly intelligent. 

I thought we could take him back and use him to advance some of our tech." 

Justinian nodded. 

"Noted, I will have to go through the population you all have captured. Did you happen to a man who can turn into a giant green monster?" 

Lauralina nodded. 

"I did. He tried to put up some resistance, but his mind was quite weak to psychic attack. After we dominated his mind we took him to be analyzed." 

That meant they had captured Hulk and Iron Man, two specimens he really wanted to study. As he was thinking about this, he felt something interesting. Two Librarians teleported to his locations and they had someone of intrest with them. 


In cuffs and chains made to suppress magic, the two Space Marine Librarians had Hela with them. The Asgardian God of Death after she had escaped Hel after Odin's death had instantly been captured by his Librarians. 

With her hands, legs, and neck cuffed she couldn't resist especially with two Librarians controlling her mind. Both of them bowed their heads before forcing Hela to her knees. One of them gave a report. 

"My Emperor, this one appeared in Norway and we thought would like to be informed." 

Justinian walked forward before he looked down at Hela. She looked up at him with defiance and she even tried to spit on him. One of the Librarians used his powers to form a barrier around Justinian before the spit could touch him then he punched Hela in the face. 

The force of an enhanced White Martian Space Marine in Power Armor caused several of Hela's teeth to be broken. 

"Do not do that again." 

Justinian hefted his spear onto his shoulder before he decided to make his offer. 

"Hela, of Asgard, I will make you this offer just once. If you refuse, your body and soul will be used to form the core of a weapon that will suffer for the rest of time unable to disobey my will. 

My offer is as follows, be my executioner just as you were for Odin. Swear your loyalty to me, and I will allow you to slaughter and kill as much as you want. Better than the alternative is it not?"

He waved his hand and the broken teeth and jaw fixed themselves. Hela licked her teeth as the Librarian had shattered all her teeth on her right side. 

"What kind of weapon?" 

Justinian decided to show her, if she refused he would use her as raw materials to create the C'Tan Azago'rod The Night Bringer. He showed her that he would preserve a tiny part of her mind just so she would suffer as his weapon. 

When that vision ended, Hela from the look of things was not at all interested in becoming Justinian's enslaved C'Tan. 

"What was that thing?" 

Justinian smiled. 

"That was a C'Tan, a reality-warping Star Vampire that feeds on Mortal souls. Of course, I really want you to choose this option. I need a Death God of some power for raw materials. I was planning for that to be you." 

Hela now found out there were beings even more brutal than herself. She swallowed her nerves before she agreed. 

"I'll do it, I be your executioner." 

Justinian smacked his lips as he had been hoping for her to refuse. 

"Damn. I was hoping for you to say no, fine." 

When Hela heard that, she felt even more worried as this man had been hoping for her refusal. He snapped his fingers and he bound her soul to his will. With that, he had now gained Hela as his own servant. After he trained her properly she would be a good war leader for his future wars. 

He would just have to find another Death God to turn into the Night Bringer C'Tan. He had a few more things to do before he returned to his home, but from the look of things his goals were finished for now. 
