While traveling by car, she remembers the day when her mother had a minor heart attack. She became nervous and got very angry at her elder sister because she was refusing to take her mother to hospital. But immediately she understood her sister was not wrong for doing this. In her family, she was the second of four children. She had one elder sister, a younger brother, and a youngest sister. Their names are such, Karishma, Anshuman, and Sheetal, respectively. Her mother took fast for the whole Navratri days, and she was fine, until on the seventh day when her sisters, brother, and cousins who had come to visit Mela in the town, went to watch Durga festive in the town, except her. When her mother told her that something was pinching inside her heart. Rajshree immediately guessed it, something is serious. So she called her elder sister who was enjoying the festive and got dressed herself in case they came late. It was a time when she thought, "No I can't wait anymore I have to do something". She asked her mother, " Can you walk a little?" Her mother replied, "Yes". They were at the door when her sister and everyone came back and she asked her sister to take her mother hospital without thinking that she must have been tired since they had gone by walking. Also, she may have to prepare some food cause everyone was looking hungry even though they had eaten something in the Mela. But later after a little argument, her brother took a step and told her that he would take Mother to the hospital. Her elder sister insisted then that she also wanted to go with her mother. But Rajshree said rudely, "No, there is no need I will go". Her brother checked the petrol of Scooty whose reading was low, so he told her and her mother to take a walk and he would pick them up on the way to the hospital. Rajshree became more afraid but was saying to herself, " Everything will be fine. Nothing wrong will happen", repeatedly. Things happened like that when they reached the hospital, doctors claimed that she had a minor heart attack because of weakness and stress. And they admitted her mother as an emergency. Both Rajshree and her brother managed the situation rightfully. They also informed their elder sister and everyone that their mother had to be admitted because of weakness. Since it was a military hospital, they informed the father about this and exchanged the information the doctor was asking for. For almost a month she was admitted there. But during the recovery period, they got the information from the father that she had to go through a psychological test too...