I shouldn't be jealous but I am. I won't even deny it. 

It's not news to me that I'm interested in this girl, I know I care about her way more than I should. 

I know she's not mine but seeing her calm and comfortable with a man has me on an edge. It's unbearable. Especially after last night. 

I felt my finger nails graze the skin of my palm and I quickly dip my hand into my pocket to play with my zippo. 

It helps me relax. At least just for a little bit till my eyes lock with hers again. 

Fuck. Fuck! 

Everytime I look at her, I see the blonde and it pisses me off. I want her by my side. Not with another. 

I blew the whistle. "Everyone keep practicing. Coach Lizzie will take over now. I have something to do." I say. My head is everywhere but in the game. I won't be able to coach anything while thinking like this. 

Lizzie immediately popped up from behind me and started barking orders.