"Liam, I sent you a file with some codes. It's a lead on the whereabouts of the murderer. Do your research." I say, standing in front of the table in my office while redoing my tie. I shouldn't have this conversation here, school is not a safe place to talk about something this delicate but here I am with no care in the world, leaving my phone on loud speaker on my desk while on a call with my brother.

"Noted. I'll get back to you in the morning." Liam says.

A grin masquerades my lips. Good. I just finished knoting my tie and I stick it underneath the inner layer suit then button my tuxedo. "That will be all for now."

"Enjoy your dinner." Liam utters. Even without looking at him physically, I can see the sly grin forming across his face and hear the mock in his words. I abhor interactions and I hate school celebrations. Apparently, I have to participate with a smile or at least show interest.