
I can't find Hazel inside this hall. She probably ran out. This is so fucked up. I haven't been an ideal person to consider being with but I'm trying to be for her. Then this happened.

I don't want to be that guy who confesses one minute and is caught doing something contrary the next. I did not do anything wrong, but from her angle, it didn't look like it so I have to clear it up.

If only I could go back in time to when Kate met me, I would let her fall.

I rush out of the hall. My eyes scan the entrance. There's no sign of Hazel.

"Fuck!" I curse under my breath. She could've gone anywhere. This is something I hoped didn't happen. The time I would use to search every door in this building will be enough to get her to her dorm. Although I doubt that's where she'll head to first if she wanted to run away from me.