My hand is hung backwards from the end of my bed and my back rests on the bed while my legs are raised to the ceiling. I'm using my phone.

Remember Caroline? I found her Instagram. Don't ask me how, I just did but that was some stalker type shit. She doesn't post much but she has a thousand followers.

I pinch my screen and zoom in. My other hand picks a chip and I munch. Can't believe I'm invited to a party with a stranger. I finally have the chance to dress appropriately while in front of her.

A ball comes flying my way, hitting the wall my bed leans upon then bounces back. I freeze. What the fuck? The sound caused by that is deafening and imagine if that thing hit me? Hit my legs?! I could be crippled!!

Who the fuck is playing recklessly here? Does that person have a death wish?!

"I swear to god, if that ball comes flying here a second time, I will puncture it myself!" I yell, annoyed.