A yawn slips out my mouth as I head to my room. I’m exhausted.

The moment I get close to the door, an awareness kicks in making me halt. My door is slightly ajar. Someone’s invaded my privacy. I dip my hand behind my back slowly, dipping it inside my black sweatpants to get a hold of my gun in the strap. One can never be too over prepared. I’d very much love to be over prepared than under prepared.

Worst case scenario, whoever is in there is just a random thief who thought he or she could make a bank by robbing me. If that’s the case, one way or the other, I’ve got to get the image of me with a gun out of the person’s mind in whatever way possible.

I cock my gun and push my door open, pointing my gun out in front of my face immediately. The person that prodded my room closes a book and turns to look at me.