Although it was helpful at times. It wasn’t that good when you look at it in other aspects. It was difficult to make genuine friends, and those who befriended her wanted something from her and or her family.

Other people just fear them and were never truthful and at times that causes a severe princess syndrome, which would cripple the princess in question.

She didn’t have a lot of friends, which was okay. She favored quality over quantity, after all. One of the friends she trusted the most was Bree; she had a good eye for seeing people. So, when she saw her bringing Arya to the banquet, she knew that this idol of hers was a good one.

If she didn’t know Bree, she would have never bothered. And the most important thing was how Arya never clung onto them like a koala or stuck to them like leeches to smooch off their popularity and their resources.