Human no more

during the change in humans earth's atmosphere and nature didn't become much condusive for normal humans.

so the higher ups developed a system granting cyborgs more privileged than normal humans deeming them useful. while the humans didn't take it likely a law was enforced on those who rebelled and they were either killed or scraped.

it was a wicked and unjust world but they didn't have a choice and were forced to live at the far ends of area 34 a bit away from the cyborgs.

the few that chose to remain humans went with the law reproducing in hopes to rekindle 'their kind'. but the cyborgs made life miserable for them and their families and as time passed the few that had made that decision quickly changed leaving the few human's more fewer.

somewhere in elite city in district 9 area 34 a bit away from from area 34 in a what seemed to be an abandoned house reaching up to 7 floors high.

the walls of the house looked sturdy but it was dissipating into sand and on the house were pasted with different signs and symbols.

but on the 5fth floor there was this particular symbol of a snake wrapped around a pole in white.

"a-hh w-where am I?" a young dark haired girl slowly regained consciousness on a bed.

"w-what is this pla-ce." Atlanta muttered her vision still dazy.

she tried to sit up straight but it hurt as hell with every movement. then she noticed her body was wrapped in white bandages all over.

'I told you she should soon be up.'

'yeah you said that two hours ago doc.'

'well don't blame me for helping you.'

'a-am sor-ry doc am just concerned about her that's all.'

'she's a strong one I've never seen anyone like her since all my years of nanotechnology am sure she'll do just fine.'

Atlanta could hear two individuals talking in the room opposite hers behind the door in front. she didn't know why she was here and what they wanted her for but she also didn't want to find out.

"i-i have to get out of he-re a-nd find sole-"

"ahh!" as she wanted to step out the bed a sharp pain coursed through her mind which caused her to scream alerting the two individuals.

"hey kid are you ok?" under Atlanta's inaudible ears she saw a man wearing a white lab coat carrying some strange appliances in his hands.

"d-on't touch me!" Atlanta screamed grabbing the hand of the man in white squeezing it tightly.

"argh!" the man could feel his hand getting crushed by Atlanta's grip but he couldn't do anything but grunt.

"a-tlanta Atla-nta it's all right you can let him go now." a hurried footstep approached besides Atlanta. and as soon as she heard the voices she could never forget who it was.


"yes it's me Atlanta.."

"pff.. sole!" Atlanta released her grip on the man and hugged sole dearly tears dropping down her cheeks.

"phou-gh phou-gh you c-an let go Atla-nta.. y-you're crush-ing me." sole barely muttered under Atlanta's grip.

"ha-ha." Atlanta giggled softly, tears slipping down her eyes. "it's glad to see you sole." she nudged his shoulders slightly.

"yeah you too." sole said in a pained expression holding his shoulder.

"b-but how? I knew I was in critical condition but am still alive?" Atlanta asked confused.

"well Atlanta i'll tell you that but first there's someone I'd like you to meet." sole then pointed to the man in lab coat who held his hand in pain.

"Atlanta this is doctor Tony he's a nano tech doctor and he's also the one who saved your life." as soon as sole said the word nanites Atlanta's brows immediately went up.

she had heard about nanites from her parents but she didn't quite see them physically. she knew they were tiny robots that couldn't be seen without using a visual enhancer.

but that wasn't the good part no she knew that nanites could regenerate any lost tissue that was damaged in an individual.

and the good news was that it was a huge project which her parents worked on at the lab with colleagues.

these tiny robots were meant for cyborgs and not humans so when sole said she was saved with nanites this caused her to raise a brow.

and the bad news was that the government only produced one bottle of it before a rogue scientist burnt all their research and stole it for himself.

"t-thank you." Atlanta looked at the man and bowed her head she didn't quite recognize the man.

even though she didn't trust him that much but as long as he wasn't a threat she was ok with him.

"please that's too much accolade I didn't do much it's the nanites you should be thanking." he said sarcastically heading towards his tools on a tray besides Atlanta.

"i-i don't understand?"

"did he somehow managed to save me by putting a few nanites into my system?" Atlanta knew she was in a bad condition but she did knew nanites could help but she didn't know how.

"I know it's weird and this might come as a shock to you but~" sole hesitated to say the words, staring into Atlanta's eyes.

"you're no longer human." the man in the white lab coat said with an indifferent expression.

"w-what do you mean no longer human?" Atlanta replied shocked.

"sole w-what the hell is he saying!"

"a-am sorry it was the only way we could save you." sole sadly replied his head faced downwards.

"no-no-no!" Atlanta squirmed on the bed in anger making the bed shake violently threatening to fall.

"Atlanta stop!"

"n-o no.." Atlanta wept bitterly her head swelling, but sole hugged her down. her body became weak in a short time and she needed to calm down.

they stayed in each other's embrace until a few minutes passed and Atlanta finally spoke.

"l-let me see it."

"are you sure?"

"yes." sole then nodded to the doctor as they started unwrapping Atlanta's body revealing her new 'self'.

"what!" she exclaimed. "am still human I thought you said-"

"you're not human." the doctor replied. "the nanites are in your body."

"haa..." she sighed inwardly. "I guess this means am a cyborg now." Atlanta looked down at her body checking her face for any sign of robotism.

"technically you're neither human nor cyborg." the doctor spoke again this time in a more serious tone.

"w-what do you mean?"

"the nanites are powerful things far above the level of humans we were lucky Richard gene left that bottle of nanites in the first place."

"y-you mean the Richard gene?" Atlanta and sole asked with wide eyes.

"but he disappeared."

"indeed but he also left some of his research behind which the higher ups kept away from the public."

"so that means they're more things the higher ups are developing as we speak." sole asked.

"yes I tried to destroy some to delay them but I doubt that will hold them long."

"so what am I?"

"well you Atlanta are far more advanced than any other cyborg."

"you are the first human to ever fuse successfully with the nanites."

"fi-first what do you mean first?"

"a-and you were with them before why suddenly change and help us out?" Atlanta suddenly asked coldly she never did like the strange doctor in their midst.

"I myself don't know but after I learnt my two dear friends were killed by those fucking hunters I decided to go against them."

"I know you don't believe me nor trust me kid but I don't care i have to make things right." he brought a syringe out from a briefcase and brought it close to her arms to inject her.

"what's that." Atlanta had her guards up she wasn't just going to let him inject her with whatever that was in there.

"it's the last dose of nanites I couldn't give it to you earlier or your body would've burst apart."

"then why give me now?"

"you've adapted to the changes so your body can handle the intake now."

"and what if I don't want to."

"Atlanta I think it's best if you take it." sole said to her holding her hand.

"excuse me?" Atlanta was surprised how sole kept calm like this.

"look I know you don't trust him but I do and we don't have much of a choice here." sole tried to convince her but Atlanta hesitated for a sec before finally giving in.

"argh!" the needle pierced her skin the dark substance began to spiral round fiercely in the tube.

"Incredible! it's already felt the connection with the others." the doctor couldn't help but be amazed at what he was seeing and wasn't only him.

"mhm." a soft grunt seeped out Atlanta's mouth as the nanites entered into her system. she felt a surge inside her and felt a connection with them in her head.

"that's all! you need to rest now you should fully recover tomorrow."

"until then the nanites will continue to regenerate new tissues enhancing your body beyond imagination." he smiled walking away with the briefcase in his hand.

"great so I have superpowers now.." Atlanta muttered.

"this is the first time the nanites have successfully fused to anyone." he muttered excited.

"she's really special and even she doesn't know it."

walking for a while a frown then formed on his face. "but on Richard's research he made the nanites to only fuse with the one containing his DNA."

"then that means she must be Richard's daughter Atlanta gene." he slowly turned round looking at Atlanta one last time before walking out.

"well he's creepy." Atlanta rolled her eyes massaging her neck.

"ha! I do know someone who's more creepier than him." sole chuckled sitting on the bed besides Atlanta.

"you know ever since I was little I loved the hunter's and even desired to be one of them."

"but everything changed on that night when that phone rang and they told me my parents had died."

her eyes were teary as she clenched her fist's.

"Atlanta you don't have to."

"I cried my heart out wishing it wasn't true wishing they never left but even my tears couldn't save them."

"then from that moment on I vowed to take revenge on every living hunter on the planet." she spoke with resolve that made sole know she wasn't joking in the slightest and he couldn't blame her.

she lost everything just in one day by the hunter's so it was natural she would desire revenge. but the thing was the Hunter's were cruel and showed no mercy.

even though they started taking them one after the other more would still replace them it was a long journey that would take carefully planning and patience.

"I can't stop you can I?"

"no!" Atlanta shook her head.

"ha! fine we'll take the Hunter's down together but for now you need to rest."

"your body may have adapted to the nanites but it's still limited to some extent so you'll have to get used to it before we can think of even attacking the hunter's."

"y-you're right sole thanks." Atlanta let out a smile and hugged him but this time she didn't exert much force.

"it's what am here for." he patted her head and got up from the bed tucking Atlanta in while he sat down on the floor leaning on the bed.

"all this is so sudden I don't know if I can do this without you guys." Atlanta let out the build up dam as it flowed down her cheeks.

"h-ello." a faint voice barely audible muttered.

"mhm.. w-who's there." Atlanta searched the room but couldn't find anyone there.

"what happened Atlanta."

"I don't know but I think i-i heard someone."

"b-but there's no one here..." sole said awkwardly staring at Atlanta.

"but I-"

"you're probably hearing things because you haven't rested well."


"don't be sturborn and just rest i'll be here by your side to protect you." sole smirked.

"you wish." Atlanta pouted and turned away from sole's view.

"weird I could've sworn I heard a voice in my head." she muttered under her breath shutting her eyes.