Richard gene

"This is insane! we can't even comprehend it let alone control it." As Atlanta listened more to the conversation going on behind the door, she was starting to have a feeling of what was going on. First, she puzzled the two figures in the room were none other than the Richard gene and doc Tom she'd met.

Her heart raced as she had the idea of meeting Richard gene, she wanted to see him ask him many questions and things concerning her system. Her body itched so badly to get in there but she restrained herself, she wanted to waltze in but she also wanted to hear where the conversation was going, as this was the future of elite city.

"Not yet Tom. But I've studied it's structures and compounds and it can be done, I just need more time to carry out some tests."

"I know you want this war to end Richard, we all do. but this is suicidal." The other voice softly spoke, with a hint of fear in his tone.

"Then what should I do? Cross my arms and watch as more innocent lives die. No, I won't be blinded again." Richard argued, not backing down or dissuaded by Tom in the slightest. "Not now when we have the solution."

"Sighs! you've always been a psychopath." Tom chuckled softly, to which Richard also softly laughed. "I know I can't dissuade you from your sucide plan.. fine, do what you have to." Tom softly uttered, still hesitant but reluctantly agreeing to Richard's devised plan.

"Thanks old friend, I really needed to hear that from you."

"Yeah whatever.. just don't die or I'll never let you rest." Tom threatened to which they both laughed it off.

'It's really them.' Atlanta thought, pressing her ears more harder against the door. She was more than curious to see Richard for the first time, and more especially curious about what his death defying plan was.

'Click! Shit..' Atlanta was caught up in her thoughts, that she didn't know when a figure from inside the room approached the door. She was too late to react when she heard the click sound of the doorknob, with the doors sliding backwards in the room with her falling to the ground.

"Ouch." She softly said touching her head. Raising it up a bit, her eyes met with that of the two figures in front as they stared at her with piercing eyes.

She could see doc wearing his usual overall white lab coat but he was very young here, like in his early twenties wearing a pair of transparent glasses. And surprisingly here he had dark black hair, than that of his grey back in reality.

"Intruder." Tom frowned seeing Atlanta on the floor. His expression immediately turned into that of anger and annoyance, of this teenage girl spying on them. He could see she's with them in the resistance but still, that didn't give her anything to invade on their privacy.

"What are you doing here and why were you spying on us?" Tom angrily uttered, demanding an answer from the stunned Atlanta.

"Er.." she stammered not knowing what to say. all that built up adrenaline in her from before suddenly vanishing, disappearing into thin air.

"Since you can't speak for yourself you know the rules and the punishments." Tom calmly spoke. he could see this purple haired girl just staring at him with a blank expression, making him get more annoyed.

"Are you dead!" Tom roared, clearly annoyed by Atlanta's dumb behavior right now.

"Calm down before you explode Tom." Richard chuckled a bit, placing his hand on the shoulder of his fuming colleague.

"Looks like someone was curious." He smiled staring down at Atlanta. Slightly raising her head, Atlanta could finally see the man the hero she'd long heard and read about.

He had short black curly hair that was ruffled a bit oval face tainted a bit pale white, porcelain jaw and a cute button nose. He was a bit taller than Tom, she guessed about 6feets and some inches at most. He wore a black fitting suit under the white shirt, black pants that clung to his skin a bit and a pair of black leather shoes.

She didn't know how he still had the time to dress this corporate amidst this chaos, but still it fitted him perfectly. Judging from his young looks, she capped his age of that at the middle twenties a bit above Tom's.

"Are you alright soldier?" Richard's soft and gentle words were soothing to her ears, as it pulled her out from her gaze.

"Er.. yeah, Richard." Not knowing what to say, she said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Here.. let me help you." He then extended his hand down to her with a light smile on his lips, his enchanting brown eyes staring at her gave her goosebumps.

"Thank you." Accepting, he the pulled her up as she awkwardly stood there embarrassed to the max. Her head was bent down as she was afraid to look up, into the gazes of the people she'd allegedly spied on.

"Hmm. I don't like her." Tom growled, clearly expressing his disdain and lack of trust in Atlanta.

"You don't like anyone Tom." Richard smiled, softly rolling his eyes a bit at tom to which the latter scoffed.

"What's your name young one?" He calmly asked.


"Atlanta.. now that's a unique name." He smiled, his admiration for her name visible on his face.

"As you may know am Richard gene, and this here is my associate." He introduced himself, as he then turned pointing to the still grumpy Tom.

'I can't believe am talking to Richard gene.' She could feel her heart thumping faster and faster beneath her skin, as excitement clouded her body.

"Am afraid I have to leave now and focus on some important things." He smiled, slowly making his way out of the door a metal briefcase in his hand.

"Wait!" Atlanta finally mustered up the courage to speak as she shouted, causing Richard and Tom to halt in their tracks.


"I-i have a few questions to ask you." She calmly said, trying her possible best to act composed and professional when she was really freaking out in the inside.

"You have some nerves kid, do o you know who the hell he is!" Tom roared but Richard waved his hands, indicating the latter to be quiet to which Tom snorted folding his arms and looking away.

"Maybe when we meet again." He smiled walking down the stairs with Tom following behind, leaving an awkward Atlanta standing alone on the fourth floor.

'D-did that really just happen.' She couldn't believe she just saw Richard gene, and even interacted with him. Even though it was a stimulation it still felt good, as not many had this opportunity she just did.

Shaking her head she then decided to head back down to the second floor, since there was nothing much to explore in the not so spacious room at the fourth floor where she stood.

'So that's what it feels like to have butterflies in your stomach.' She thought, finally feeling that unsettling feeling of thrill and fear of what would happen next. Walking down, she saw multiple injured people with heart wrenching injuries being attended to.

Her heart sank as her face immediately turned sour, seeing the heartbreaking scene. To be honest, there wasn't much these nurses could do to these severely injured people, as most were already on the brink of death.

"Do you know where my mommy is." She saw a small girl no more than five years of age approach her, tightly clutching her fingers. She had several burn marks across her body, as a deep slash scar mark was planted across her cheek stopping at her eyes.

"Am sorry.. I don't know where your Mommy is." She muttered in a low tone, as her heart became very heavy for her to breath properly.

"Sobs! sobs.. I-i've been trying to find her for a day now, b-ut she's nowhere near." Small stiffed sobs escaped her mouth, as tears slipped down her eye.

"Shush.. there.. there.. it's alright. I promise I'll help you find your mommy." Atlanta softly said lifting the kid up, clutching her tightly to her body using her hand to gently brush the little girl's hair.

"Sniffs.." after some seconds the little girl seemed to have calmed down a bit in Atlanta's warm embrace, as her little hand held her tightly afraid she might leave her like her mommy.

"Now let's find mommy." Atlanta then telepathically asked Nexus to scan the little girl's DNA, and perform a wide scan across all the floors to see which matches.

[Scan complete. 95% DNA acquired!] A green arrow then materialized in her eyes, pointing forward. Not hesitating she followed it as it directed her to the second floor, through the narrow passage and into a room at the far end by the left.

She could see other people being treated to, but she had a goal to fulfill first. The arrow then continuously blinked at a particular section of the room, hidden by a white curtain.

Going in her eyes immediately fell upon a woman with dark hair, bruised with burnt marks all over lying on the white bed. The girl's eye immediately lit up seeing the figure, as she went from Atlanta's grip to the woman.

"Mommy!" She screamed hugging her deeply, as tears slipped down her cheeks. The woman also hugged her tightly, ignoring the pains as tears of joy flowed out their eyes.

Atlanta not wanting to ruin the reunion quietly sat on a chair besides the bed, watching the mother and daughter reunion.

Tears also subconsciously strolled down her eyes, as she was happy to finally reunite the lost group back together.

After about minutes of crying and shouting, the little girl tired and exhausted quickly fell asleep in her mother's arms.

"Th-ank you.." the woman slowly muttered to which Atlanta nodded. Atlanta felt warm having accomplished this, even her herself felt a bit tired and mentally exhausted as she rested her head to the bed. Few minutes later, she had been transported to dreamland.

"You did good kid." Lisa gently muttered, watching Atlanta unbeknownst to her.


A young man with curly black hair walked down a small passage. This strange man was surprisingly wearing a black suit, with black hat, pants, and shoes that fitted him perfectly. In his hand was a metal silver briefcase which he clutched tightly, walking injured people a frown formed on his head bent downwards.

'I've forgotten how terrible it is.' Richard silently thought to himself, looking at several people with different kinds of terrifying injuries.

"Am useless." He muttered, anger rising in him as he tightly clenched his hand into a fist. It was his job as the leader of resistance to ensure the safety of the people against the hunters, but he could do so little. He wasn't infused with robotic parts like the hunters, and their equipment were very few. mostly limited, giving them a huge disadvantage.

'I don't understand why they still believe.' He was perplexed why they still believed and put their faith in him, still fighting with hope for a better future. He himself had since lost faith in himself, as the struggles of being a leader were just a burden.

He didn't choose this role but someone had to step up and take responsibility, to lead the rebels against the dreaded hunters invading their land. Entering a secluded room he sat down on a steel chair, placing the silver briefcase to the iron table in front littered with equipments of all sorts.

"I won't let our sufferings go to vein, no.. we've shed to many blood and sweat." He muttered staring at the metal briefcase, his hand creeping towards it.

'Cold.' His hands felt how cold and empty the surface of the briefcase was, as his hands brushed over it. Opening the lock, he slowly slid the upper end of the briefcase backwards it's contents revealed.