World evolution

Atlanta looking at the sudden system notification that flashed before her eye was prequelled to know more about the quest description, but there was none. It had simply stated know more about your past, the rewards and penalty unknown.

Usually this quests had a particular deadline since there was a penalty involved, but luckily for her there was no such deadline.

'My past.. what does the system mean by my past? Did I perhaps have a past life in which I died, and now suddenly reincarnated here?' Atlanta wasn't sure about that option, as it wasn't plausible enough to her eyes. she didn't believe in such things like reincarnation and such, but she didn't dismiss the idea it might be true.

'What did he mean by what he said? You'll understand more when you unlock your memories.' The last thing Richard gene said to her, before she was forcefully transported out from the fortifier was to unlock more of her memories, thereby unveiling her understanding. She didn't know why and how she would do it, but something in her urged her to.

She didn't know why but there was this empty space in her heart, like something she couldn't explain was missing. Richard gene had said many crazy things to her she couldn't fathom, but the one of unlocking her memories was what piqued her interest the most.

'I don't know if I have a past life, but am going to find out.' She had a look of determination on her face, to unlock more of her memories. She didn't know if she reincarnated or had a past life, but she was eager to find out and unveil some hidden secrets.

[Hp: 56/300]

The system notification that flashed through her eyes, indicating her health points which had now gone up by 6 points caught her interest. She didn't know if she was imagining things, but she could feel the nanites more actively in her system working like spiders, weaving multiple threads together regenerating her tissues.

It had just been four minutes that had passed, yet her health points had managed to go up by 6. She was grateful, as she could now worry a bit less about the regeneration process when in a fight.

When she fought that lv3 hunter with the shield, she could see her health points draining before her eyes but she wasn't scared, as she had something worth fighting for. But when her parents had left, facing that lv4 female hunter with whip was a different case.

She saw her health points depleting rapidly, and she'd barely even managed to land a hit on her. She was basically defenseless at the brink of death, as if wasn't for Richards intervention she didn't know if she'd truly died in real life.

'Hey Nexus.. why the hell did my progress in the fortifier have effects with my current self in the real world?' Atlanta angrily said remembering what had happened.

First of all it was just a stimulation, it wasn't meant to affect the user with the changes made on his/her real physical self.

Second she could feel all the pain she went through inside the fortifier, as there were still even some scars she'd sustained in the stimulation, reflecting in real life. And third, what would happen to her if she were to die in the stimulation? would it also reflect in real life?

[I myself don't understand Atlanta. the fortifier may look like just a stimulation projector, but truth is it's far more than you think. There are a few other possibilities I came up with, but none are scientifically proven.] Nexus said

[Maybe Richard was trying to show you something, by making you feel all the pain and joy you felt in the fortifier in real life.] Nexus added making her rethink. he is the father of technology as he started it, so it wouldn't come as a surprise if he could somehow alter some machines to his will.

'He said he's still alive.. 'this was the second thing bothering her mind, as Richard gene had vividly told her he was still alive and watching over her. She didn't know the authenticity of his words, but a feeling in her heart told her he truly still was alive.

'But why did he tell me.. am not sure the big five are aware of this.' She knew they weren't aware of Richard still alive, as they thought he was dead. The only reason she had a hint of faith to believe, was because he told her so. She didn't know how he got to her through the resistance defenses, but she believed he truly was alive.

She then decided to focus on things relating to her system, asking Nexus about some of the new items and icons she'd unlocked to which her system answered, giving her a detailed and thorough explanation about things.

'So that's what it's for.' She thought. When she'd seen the icon labelled system points, she was confused at first. scrolling down, she then saw she'd unlocked the system shop compromising of some items. Looking further, she could see all required the new icon 'system points' to be bought with.

She guessed it was like some sort of money, the system used to purchase items from the shop. Though she wasn't sure and didn't really know how it worked, until now when she'd asked her trusty system.

[Yes. It's a form of currency but in points, which you can use to purchase items in the system shop.]

'But what if I run out of system points, how can I gain more?" She asked. Most of the items there were expensive, so it was no doubt she would soon exhaust all her system points, so she asked Nexus for a way to get more since the system didn't give her a way.

[There are two ways to aquire more system points. The first is when you kill, or get energy or any form of currency. the system will automatically convert it to points, which you can spend in the store.]

'Woah! I wasn't expecting that.' She didn't think the system would be so generous, to give her so many ways to get system points as she'd thought she would have to go through hell, or some difficult challenge.

[The second is, you can salvage your equipments in exchange for system points, the higher the tier the bigger the point! But I must warn you, salvaged weapons will never be stored in the system shop again, erased until you stumble upon another one. So I must advise you to make your decisions wisely, and choose number two when you really thought about it.]

Nodding, Atlanta grabbed all what Nexus said in her head. Undeniably the first option was the best, as it didn't require any stressful process and there were more than one way. kind of like killing multiple birds with one stone. She vowed she wouldn't ever choose the second option, only when she was in a dire situation or found a higher tier equipment that suited her in the system shop.

"The ability icon.. I think it's the supernatural power possessed by the user, which can be used to channel skills related to the ability right?"

[Correct! I didn't expect host to be this smart.]

'What did you say.'

[Nothing.. ehhm! So ability as you already know is just like energy, except it contains different elements like fire, water etc. both hunters and normal humans can possess an ability or more, depending on their strength.

Hunters are more likely able to possess more abilities because of their unique features, while humans are commonly seen with one rarely seeing a human with two abilities.]

'Wait so you're saying everyone has an ability?'

[Of course. is this sudden new to you?]

'Of course.. b-but why can't we use it if we really have it?' Atlanta questioned. if truly everyone had an ability, then why couldn't they use it if they had it?

[Simple. they haven't awakened it yet. Abilities are not commonly seen in your world, only few posses it, but soon the earth will evolve and everyone will awaken.]

'Wait. w-what are you saying.. the earth? Evolving?'

'Sorry to burst your bubbles, but this isn't some fantasy novel.' Atlanta laughed at Nexus inadequate information. If the earth was going to evolve, then why didn't it evolve since? Why now of all time would it choose to evolve.

[You're wrong. The earth has been aquiring vast amount of energy, and I estimate a total of 5 days before the evolution process finally begins.] Nexus said in a serious tone, causing Atlanta's expression to change greatly.

'If what you're saying is true, then what happens when the earth evolves?' She asked her tone a bit shaky, as she couldn't possibly imagine the catastrophe it could cause. They had various amounts of technology to utilize, but they were too blinded by this damn war to even notice their planet was reaching it's first evolution stage.

[Simple. the Earth's mass would increase greatly, the air becoming more lighter sustainable for humans and the best part, everyone will awaken their abilities with newly advanced bodies.] Atlanta gasped a bit but quickly covered her mouth, looking over to Rhoin she could see he was still perfectly asleep.

'S-so what you're saying is, everyone will get advanced strengthened bodies and powers.'

[Of course! I just mentioned that.] Nexus was perplexed by Atlanta's confused questions, as he'd clearly mentioned that.

'E-even the hunters.: Now Nexus knew where she was going. If truly the earth was evolving in five days, and everyone would get superpowers with advanced strengthened bodies, then the same also applied for the hunter. as they would get more stronger, not to mention the addition of an ability or more.

'It would be the end of the human race.' Atlanta thought, picturing the great disaster. If Nexus predictions were true, the hunters like Micheal and all other high lv hunters would become more stronger.