Bond complete

"There's nothing there to talk about, am sure you saw all of it." Atlanta knew they were watching her while she was in the fortifier, as Nexus had told her so.

"True, but not quite all." Zero smiled a bit, and she knew he was referring to the time when Richard gene appeared.

"Am sorry but I don't know what you're saying. As you must be aware I stayed in the fortifier for ten hours, that's way too long anyone has ever stayed so my brain isn't at it's fullest right now." Atlanta lied not caring about what he thought about her. Chuckling a bit zero then came closer to the bed, causing her to be weary fearing an unexpected clash might burst out here, between her and him.

"I know you're lying child, I can see it in your eyes. Your pupils sink a bit once you lie, the same way Richard's does." Atlanta hadn't noticed it since but it was true. her pupils had sunken a bit as she lied, and zero shockingly noticed it pointing out her flaws.

"W-what are you talking about?" She asked, wanting an answer to what he just said to her now.

"Oh! but I believed you weren't in the mood to talk, why the sudden change in interest?

"You fucking-" she tried to yell, but her throat along with other parts of her body hadn't fully healed, as it backfired on her causing her to cough up fresh blood.

'Interesting.' Zero thought looking at her. he knew she was a 100% when she went in the fortifier and hadn't fought since, so that could only mean one thing.

"Like you said you're still hurt from the effects of the fortifier, I would suggest you rest for now we'll have this little discussion later." He smiled softly, turning round and was about to leave when he heard her voice.

"Wait! please, I need to know all what you know about Richard gene." He grinned evily behind her, as his little plan had worked.

"Ok but I suggest you hold on to your shoes, it's going to be a long tale." And so he started off telling her all what he knew about Richard gene, most she already knew only some few surprises he mentioned eluded her.

"And that's all I know about him." He smiled, seeing Atlanta was still processing all what he'd said. He could see she had a look of shock, confusion, as she contemplated on something.

"I think it's fair now if you told me what he told you, isn't it?" Looking at him, Atlanta didn't feel comfortable telling him what Richard gene had told her, as she still didn't trust him.

"You can trust me Atlanta, I would never do anything to hurt you. Hell! if I wanted to hurt you I would've killed you long ago." He said, urging her to spill out the beans about what Richard gene had told her.

"Fine.." not seeing any reason not to, she then told him all what Richard gene had said leaving the system part. Finishing, she saw he had a blank expression on his face as his head was bent down a bit, his mind contemplating on something. He stayed like this for a minute before finally raising his head up, his calm and playful attitude disappeared replaced with a very serious one.

"If all what he said is true then you're in danger, they must now know of your existence." She couldn't fathom what zero was saying, as he talked like a madman mumbling some things to himself.

"I-i have to inform the others." He stood up walking away, leaving Atlanta more confused as she just stared at his back.

"Atlanta.." turning, he looked at her with serious as as he spoke. You can't leave the resistance for now, no matter what. The big five will do all on their power to make you stronger, but for now I'd suggest you forget the thought about your memories." He softly said, before walking out the door leaving her in a confused state.

'What does he mean by am in graet danger. And who the hell are they that knows about my existence?' She thought, as everything was just confusing to her. It seemed that ever since that day she and sole fought that hunter, she would never be the same again. Ever since she got this system, more history of her past she never knew she had had began surfacing tremendously.

[Primordial fallen battle angel devil (primordial tier): as a primordial fallen battle angel devil this class increases user's stats and effects from weapons by ×40% making user experience a tip of her true form. Will increase to 45% once in battle frenzy mode.

Increases regenerating process by 10% and upon next evolution user will unlock her angel and devil energies.

(Note: once chosen user cannot switch class again forever and has a chance to tap into the primordial energy. User's hp points will drop by one every two minutes and can only be replaced by killing.)]

[Time remaining: 22h 34m 22s]

It had just been an hour that'd passed, but it looked like it was forever she was in the health department. She couldn't do anything except thinking, as she was still healing but much faster than before.

[HP: 150/300]

It had just been an hour, but she'd managed to recover half of her health points as she laid in bed.

'Growl! graa..'

'Shit! am hungry.' She held her stomach, as it growled in anger from the deprivation of food. Turning she saw a foiled takeaway and she indistinctively knew the contents inside, there were also fruits and a cola drink besides the food.

"Yum! yum.." she immediately grabbed an apple, chomping down on it as it disappeared in a second. She then moved onto the other fruits on the table, grabbing them and mercilessly gulping them down in one go.

Her hunger still wasn't satisfied as she moved into the food with in a foil takeaway, opening it the around of the food hit her nostrils. She didn't even bother to check the contents, as her primitive instincts to survive captivated her.

She hastingly used her hand, ignoring the spoon and other cutleries on the desk as she ate the whole food in under five minutes.

"Belch!" She chuckled a bit as she unknowingly belched, indicating the food had reached the spot. Dropping the plate she then took the chilled cola, opening it and gulping it down in one goal.

"Belch!" She released another belching response to the first, confirming the consumption of a chilled mineral that diluted the food she just ate. Wiping her lips she then proceeded to gently stand to her feet, disposing the empty trash in the trash can.

She could see a sink with a tap on top close by, luckily the wires strapped to her were long enough to allow her to reach it, as she washed her hands going back and sitting up straight on the bed.

Her mind then drifted off to the little conversation she and zero had, as there were different thoughts that stormed through her mind. If what he said was true, then she only had a fragment of little time before unknown foes started coming for her.

'There's no turning back now.' She chuckled softly, as she had to find a way to get more stronger and also familiarize with her system. She was at least glad she had such a captivating system in the chaos, as it greatly proved to have much potential.

'I wonder what next I'll unlock when I reach lv30.' Atlanta said going through her status panel again. She had three skills at first when she unlocked the system, and she mainly used about two precisely power punch and eagle eyes. Only few times had she used lethal strike and immunity, but now she had added more skills to her arsenal and she knew they had also gotten stronger, with her evolution process. as the required points to activate it had increased, along with Nexus confirming it.

She was a bit worried about the new class she chose but there was no turning back, she would do anything in the course of search for power.

"Soon.." she muttered, and soon hours flied before her eyes. Rhoin waking up hours later, they then talked about other things to clear her mind off the pending trouble approaching.

"You know you can count on me if you need my help right." Rhoin softly said, causing Atlanta to raise a brow smirking a bit.

"Oh really.. and what can you do?" She asked in a form of mocking manner, belittling Rhoin's pride.

"Am serious. I may not be trained in combat like you, but that doesn't mean I can't throw a fist." He smiled to which they both chuckled it off.

"I'd like to see that. It would be nice seeing you honourably getting your ass kicked. My damsel in distress." As Atlanta said those words he immediately blushed slightly, his cheeks turning red as he stared away.

'W-what the hell.. why am I acting like a weak girl. Am strong.. no, I need to be strong so she can see me worthy enough to be her friend.' Rhoin thought his breathing becoming a bit rough, with his body also becoming hot a bit.

The duo then jisted about unimportant stuff to clear their minds off the daily struggles of life, as it was already night time marking the end of another day.

'Yawns!' the duo was exhausted, as they then decided to end their little talk and head in for the night.

[Primordial fallen battle angel devil (primordial tier): as a primordial fallen battle angel devil this class increases user's stats and effects from weapons by ×40% making user experience a tip of her true form. Will increase to 45% once in battle frenzy mode.

Increases regenerating process by 10% and upon next evolution user will unlock her angel and devil energies.

(Note: once chosen user cannot switch class again forever and has a chance to tap into the primordial energy. User's hp points will drop by one every two minutes and can only be replaced by killing.)]

[Time remaining: 13h 14m 02s]

Atlanta saw she still had about 13 hours before her class successfully bonded with her, and it made her body tingle a bit in shock of what in might bring and the thrill of it.

"Goodnight Rhoin."

"Night Atlanta." They each said their good nights, as the their eyes slowly slid shut.


[Bond complete! assimilation successful.]

[Congratulations user on successfully bonding with your new class job!]

The system notifications rang loudly in her ears, jolting her up from bed as she stared at the screen before her eyes.