D-did I just kill him?

Like that in front of their very eyes, the hunters materialized from a bright light each showcasing their distinct hunter features. Some had two metal hand some one, a metal exterior spine some no face legs infused with robotic compartments and so on, were all here on full display.

Atlanta seeing this hunter she'd fought had a frown on her face, as she recalled the bad incident that put her in this mess in the first place. The hunter had a smirk on his face mocking her, taunting her to dare do her worse and that she was about to do.

"Argh!" She moved lightning fast her fist sent out to the hunter's head, as rage closed her mind. The stimulation hunter was shocked seeing this young female move with astonishing speed, as his eyes couldn't even trace her let alone keep up with her.

'Beep.' His head fell to the floor along with his headless body, Atlanta standing on the other side her fist still forward.

[Hunter has been eliminated!] The stimulation system voice rang out loud in everyone's ears, as Atlanta had already easily dealt with her first wave of hunter.

Looking over to where Rhoin, was she was surprised to see him fairing well against a hunter with only one robot arm, as the rest of his body were human compartments.

"You got this.." Rhoin muttered dodging to the side, avoiding the metal fist swung to his head. He then sent out a kick fast to the hunter's ribs, hurting the latter a bit. Annoyed, the man sent out his knee forward to Rhoin who could only block by placing his hands down a bit.

There was a yellow light that immediately formed on his palm and he knew it wasn't good, as he sensed it was the pain level the stimulation capped the damage at.

'One more strike and am out.' Rhoin knew he couldn't avoid to take one more strike, as he would immediately be eliminated from the stimulation practice and thus disappointing his friend.

'Hell no!' Blocking a punch, he punched forward with his own fist to the hunter's chest as the latter placed his arm intending to block, when Rhoin's trajectory immediately changed heading up to his head. The hunter wanted to block but he couldn't as Rhoin's fist landed on his head, he wasn't dead but he was injured as Rhoin strikes several more times before he fell to the floor.

'D-did I just kill him?' Rhoin stared in disbelief of himself, seeing this hunter drop dead to the floor as the system confirmed it.

"Nice job!" Atlanta shouted to which Rhoin nodded with a smile.

"I see you've already dealt with your hunter."

"Ha.. please. I barely did anything." Atlanta lazily said. annoyed by the fact that the hunter she fought was really weak, as she even estimated about 5% of her strength now would kill the latter.

"N-no please!" Atlanta suddenly heard a scream. looking, she could see a girl with two ponytail hair fair skin wearing the elite squad uniform. She was currently on her knees, as she looked terrified at the hunter approaching her. The hunter had a weird metal spiky exterior spine protruding out from his back, a metal plate replaced the top of his head and a long sharp metal shard protruded from his left knuckle.

"Come on won't you help her." Rhoin said to Atlanta, seeing the girl in trouble about to be eliminated.

"What are you serious? I don't even know her. and besides, she's none of my concern." Atlanta coldly spoke, uninterested in lending a helping out to the young frightened girl defenseless on the floor.

"If won't, I will."

"Hey-" she wanted to stop Rhoin but he'd already ran forward, closing the gap between him and the hunter since the weren't that far.

"Hey!" He shouted causing the hunters attention to be shifted to him, as Rhoin then landed a fist to the hunter's face.

'Shit! why isn't he dead.' Rhoin had expected that fist to kill the hunter but unfortunately for him, his strength was still a child's play compared to this hunter's defenses. The hunter then smiled sadistically at Rhoin, moving his hand with the long shard on it attempting to slash Rhoin's head off.

'Shit.' Rhoin could only curse, he was lucky this was a stimulation and he would be only eliminated, as in real life then he was dead for sure. The speed which the hunter moved his arm was too fast for Rhoin to keep up with, as he closed his eyes waiting to hear the system notification. And he did hear a system notification, but it was off a different one stating the elimination of a hunter.

"You fool, you could've gotten yourself eliminated." Atlanta angrily scolded him extending her hands forward.

"Haha! I knew you would rescue me." He smiled opening his eyes, seeing her standing tall in his front with her arm stretched out. Accepting she then pulled him up to his feet, as she was on look out for any unexpected threat.

"Hey, what should we do about her? She's still stuck in a paralysis." Rhoin asked looking at the girl with two pony tail dark hair not moving at all, still on the ground with a blank expression staring front.

"Don't ask me.. you're the hero who decided to rescue her." Atlanta retorded sarcastically. Honestly she didn't care about this weird girl on the floor, the only reason she'd moved from her spot was because Rhoin was in danger of being eliminated. If not she would've simply watched the scene, as the hunter killed ehhm.. eliminated her. As this was just still a stimulation, so she couldn't possibly die right?

Two hunter's had noticed the strange group and decided to pay them a visit, ignoring their intended target a male and female.

"T-they've stopped following us." The boy with short brown hair gold eyes, wearing a pair of transparent glasses shakily spoke.

"Y-yeah.. but now they're heading for those three unlucky people." The girl with blue hair, tied and fallen to a side reaching her shoulders timidly pointed.

"Who cares. as long as we're of no interest to them, then I don't care who the hell they go after." The boy with glasses chuckled a bit awkwardly, glad that the two hunters were no more after them.

[Atlanta two hunters are approaching from your three.] Nexus warned, and she'd already sensed them. She wanted them to get close so she could finish them with ease, as she didn't but the idea of leaving Rhoin and this zombie girl alone. Knowing him she knew he would undeniably do something stupid, she wouldn't like reaching another and all those bullshit hero stuff.

Judging his strength she knew he wouldn't last at all on his own, and he was just begging for death by inviting trouble in the form of hunters to him.

The two approaching hunters smiled sadistically looking at their preys, as they ran forward like starved hyenas going in for a swift kill. They could see horror on these students faces as they approached them, closing the gap between them in an instant.


'Bam! bam!'

The last thing they saw were Atlanta's lips curved upwards into a wicked smile, before both their heads fell down along with their body.

'Priceless..' she chuckled a bit feeling good of herself, having tricked the hunters she was defenseless. She was tired of just outright killing them, so she came up with this idea to make them let their guard down falling into her trap, as they met their demise.

"Has anyone ever told you how creepy you are." Rhoin softly uttered, feeling chills from Atlanta's evil laughs.

"Of course, you never shut up about it." She smiled. continuing in her geniusly devised plan, thinking of new ways to trick other hunters into letting their guards down before she swooped in for the kill.

And just like that the first wave passed, and the second came. these hunters were stronger than the first as they'd eliminated a quarter of the elite trainee student, but they were no match for Atlanta. She was having fun massacring the hunters leaving some bones to be picked by Rhoin, and also teaching him a thing or two she knew about hand to hand combat.

Like that the end of the second wave came and went, with the beginning of the third. This hunters were far more stronger than the first and second wave, as they had eliminated half of the elite squad forces greatly reducing their numbers while they were still freaking many.

There were looks of horror and fear on most students faces, seeing the waves of hunters kept coming and now that their forces were larger than theirs, and much stronger. Everyone was scared and getting tired except for one person, Atlanta breeze. It was the opposite for her, as she had fun taking her time to kill the hunters reducing their sheer forces down a lot just by herself.

'H-how.' The elite students stared in shock, seeing Atlanta go like a mindless killing machine. she slaughtered everything with robotic parts, moving towards her and in her perimeter. It was like watching a god fight and kill mere mortal humans, as she didn't even break a sweat.

'Her speed and strength is above that of a normal human.' Zain pondered looking at her, the way she moved the amount of strength she added in her strikes. It just wasn't adding up, a normal human being her level couldn't be able to do this without having some external features.

"Haha.." Atlanta was filled with bloodthirsty desire, to slaughter every hunter that met her eye. She didn't know why but there was this sudden feeling that overwhelmed her, compelling her to kill more. And so she did, and in the blink of an eye the third wave ended as the fourth wave began.

Seeing the hunters she was more than excited to begin combat, as she could sense these foes were really stronger and faster. A hunter with a disk blade with spike implanted in both his arms, charged at her from the side closing the gap. Bored she didn't try to avoid or block, but simply raised her arm to see if it would hurt.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened in shock as the blade surprisingly cut her arm, drilling deeper tearing her flesh and bones as blood spilled to the floor.