I recited the name, as if in fear if I could not, it might erase from my mouth or rather my brain.


I still stated the word, 

Even when asleep.., maybe I did.., but I fell asleep as I thought of that girl…, the girl was becoming hell of something.

I knew this was not pretty, but I just felt it

I have seen what love does to many

I dream not to burn in the ashes of the same.

I hope she is in feeling as I.

I just hoped.

Mornings in this city were a little fresh, and the sun used to be quite bright. It would be wiser to say, "The sun embraced the day with its rays."

It was Sunday, and upon opening my phone, I found over a million missed calls.

Damn it, I had the boys' car, and I needed to take it back.

Calling... calling... that Billy...


"Hello, Billy, I got your car, man. How do I bring it over?"

"Dude, you're a fucking loser. You thought we had a car? What the fuck is wrong with you? Bring it to the Five start Hotel down town to the left."


"Let it be a full tank."

"Gotcha," I stated.

Where the hell will I find money? I barely worked the previous week, and yesterday I turned down the chemist work. It was some man I used to work for... I mean, I am used to working for. He is a little mean, but a good-hearted man for sure... he's just mean.

I hated it when I said I was going to do something when I knew I did not have ways to do it, and as I opened my apartment door,..... guess what... face to face with her, in front of my door.

"Hey," I stated, and I was already nervously scratching my head. 

Why was I this nervous around her? She was wearing a very short white tennis skirt, okay... she was wearing like one heading out for some tennis game or something.

"I need you to take me to Riverroad, pleassssseee," she started.

"Riverroad?" I questioned. Riverroad was like a thousand miles from here; it was really far away from wherever we stayed.

"Pleaaassee, pleaaaseee, please. I promise it is just dropping me, just dropping me, that is all," she stated, and I sighed. She had this pouty face, that was always the weakness of almost all men, if not all... the face which women put on for you to just accept their manipulative tactics. I hated it; I really did.

"The car ain't mine," I tried convincing with the lowest of voices, and I could see the neighbors already staring at us. I knew they all yearned to speak to this girl as much as I did... I hated it when girls pleaded for favors. The only person I did favors for was the queen bee in our class, and I saw she just texted me.

"I will talk to Billy myself."

"You know Billy?" I questioned.

"First take me... please."

"I haven't showered."

"You look cute and handsome, you just have to change clothes," she stated. God, women.

"Okay…" I stated, as I tried going back inside, and she suddenly followed me.

"You got a really cool apartment... hey... you got a roommate?"

"Yeah... he is out, a bit," I stated. It was never a large house; we shared a bathroom, but distinct rooms, so with this girl here I sure would not shower.

So I just changed.

It was unprofessional to go out without showering; that was what we learned in our first year of medicine. But anyway, I was still happy I got to spend time with her. And knowing I had not initiated anything, I was happy. Last night I was really nervous about how I would approach her; I really was. Despite this being me delivering a favor, I was still happy.

Going out with a girl meant your pockets needed to be loaded. That is one thing every man needed to learn before accepting anything. So I just texted Luke for some aid, and he sure delivered by sending me two hundred dollars. This meant, with my little savings, I had five hundred dollars. Gas prices would never surpass a hundred, and if they did maybe by fifty more or so. This girl, in case of anything... but anyway, why was I putting her on my bill? She just wanted to be dropped off.

But I liked her.

I should buy her lunch; maybe after taking back the car to Billy, I will go back to Riverroad and maybe cheer her up on whatever she was doing... or I will tell Billy something was up, and I would return the damn car in the evening, or tomorrow in class. 

Tomorrow he sure will be mad.

This girl had some work she needed to submit; I wonder if she did. I hope she did. Why was I worried for her? Honestly, why was I worried for her... really? 

"Let's go," I stated, and she quietly followed me. 

"I will close my door," she added, after I closed mine... 

I watched her run towards her door, enter, come out with a black bag, like those people carry... I mean, those bags which tennis players carry their garments with when entering a live match... and then she wore a cap. 

All I could do was just admire... 

Of all the idiots who liked her, Hell, I was already the lamest of all. 

"Done," she stated, and I just nodded. 

We then headed downstairs to the parking lot where I had parked the car.

"You look amazing with…," I started after I opened the door for her to enter the passenger seat, but I stopped myself, not first, wanting to make a fool of myself... and second, not knowing what to call the garments she wore, so I just closed the door and headed to the driver's seat... and started the car. 

Billy's car was good; it seemed new. We had just known each other, and I was messing around with his car... I laughed from inside. 

"Where are you from?" she asked, as she checked herself in the passenger seat mirror. "Chicago," I stated. 

"I meant school," she stated. 

"Billy and I are course mates," I stated, and she gasped. 

"You do medicine?" she asked. 


"Whoa, it would be fun to have a medicine boyfriend," she stated, and I just laughed. 

"It is just a course." 

"Billy gets many girls because of that," she stated.

"Many girls?" I asked, and after a sharp bend that needed total concentration, I asked, "do you appear in that category... that category? Many girls?" She laughed, she really did, and I saw no point in her laughing. I was being serious. One thing that would turn me off was something like that, something of liking someone because of something they do? That is total heartache. I feel love should not be based on what someone brings to the table, but what someone feels.

"Billy is not my type," she stated. 'Not her type,' my head retweeted, and I found myself yearning to know her type... but I was scared she would say a gym body... or some gym buddy with a big body, you know... most girls shut me off with that. I have no big body, but I am a strong man. I can beat any man. I do not care.

"He is not bad off," I stated, and she just laughed... she liked laughing, I realized. She had a nice laugh anyway, and her teeth were well set, fitting properly in her mouth. "So what's in Riverroad?" I asked, now changing the topic. I was in no mood to ask about damn men when I knew I was in line and wanted the woman.

"Tournament," she stated.

"You play tennis?" I asked.

"No, I'm a cheerleader," she stated. Damn, I was off. I was always off... maybe medicine made me this way. Hell, you have to be always in books that you forget the view of the world... or you find yourself lost in between what you left the world as and what it is.

"Okay..,which school?" I asked, and then scratched it off, I feared asking too much of a person, like school, age and year.., reason being, I tended to have a liking for a little bit older women, and they ended up rejecting me stating I was smaller. And hell you know, my thinking was sharper than theirs, I was taller than them, I was a gentleman more so.., I was better.., 

I broke my virginity with a goddam a little older lady, she was twenty, and I was barely fifteen, I laugh at that till date, I had lied to her then that I was twenty one. 

And on my first date, I lied I had shaved my beards, they looked bad and I wanted unisoned, it was during the peaks of my voice breaking. 

I had a deep voice, a voice women really loved, the queen bee friend of mine, always told me any girl would be a sucker for me, she had called,.. I saw.., but anyway, I shall call her later in the day. She was something, she always called when she wanted me to take her somewhere, or when she wanted to hang around my place. She was the only girl who I brought into my crib, the only girl in our school, she just insisted,and saying no to a girl was never a part of me, it just never clicked in.., but I guess I have to learn to say the word. 

Reason why I ignored her is because we have a situation.

Last week we hooked up, she seduced, touched and kissed me,

It had been long since I was ever inside a lady, so I just gave in.

She's good.., a rider, one of a kind.

I guess that's why she was way touchy on our previous classes…, maybe.

My thoughts were never on her anyway.

"here,.. just park near that tree." Catherine stated. 

It was almost twelve thirty, which hell of a place plays basketball during the day? I found myself asking but I just ignored.

"Thankyou." She caught my hand lightly, right after parking the car,… "Thankyou. Its okay, I can handle myself from here." She added and I felt the sinceriority in her voice, and I felt weak for her, like yesterday when she caught my leg. 

Like when I watch her when am in my room, as she carries the heavy shopping, with her friends not daring to help, 

like when she is washing the house, and strands of hair are distracting her,…

"How long will it take?" I asked her.., "the tournament?"

"not sure. But I can take the latest bus." She stated,

"Can I wait."

"No, Billy?" She stated,… "Billy will be on your nerves,"

"What can I help you with?" I asked, and for the first time, we made eye contact for more than two seconds. 

It seems she was lost for words too, 

and it seemed I was enjoying the view, 

and then we both smiled, 

looked away, 

and looked at each other again... 

My heart!!!