WebNovelTHE SIMP84.29%


I stayed in the parking lodge, just admiring nothing. My legs were gently placed on top of the car dashboard as I thought. I thought about my life. Especially, the question of marriage that I always pushed back every time. I pushed the marriage thoughts away because I knew I had a son, somewhere who would, in the future, take over my wealth in the circumstance that I never got to marry. Now, things were different.

I thought about Aaliyah, as I mirrored and reflected on her voluptuous body and our moans the previous night. I could not deny that she was embracing my thoughts sinfully, and oddly enough, I did not hate the thoughts. I just wanted them to flow through my mind and kiss every part of my brain with all the recall and recurrence.

"You don't really notice someone, do you?" Elvis' voice cut me off from my daydream. Thank God I had placed my hands on the center of the sweats; otherwise, he would realize I was sinning beneath the scalp of my head.

"Let's get you inside," he stated, opening my driver's passenger door, which he had used to shock me out of my imagination. Removing my cap from my head, I placed it where my hands were as I went outside. I now regretted not wearing a lengthy T-shirt, and in addition, I was wearing sweatpants, which were pretty revealing.

Up the elevator to Elvis' place, we arrived and entered his apartment. It was, of course, a larger apartment than mine. Government officials, especially the marines, were really favored in this country. However, I respect all the government did for them; it's worth it.

After entering, I did not hesitate; I went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. The apartment shared one bathroom, which I had constantly told Elvis to go house-hunting somewhere else where washrooms weren't shared. The guy was just, I think, not the type of man to leave a place really fast. On entry, I returned the baseball cap on my head and looked at myself in the mirror, then down to my pants. The sweats were not aligning as I needed them to. Aaliyah had somehow ruined my day with her being eluding my thoughts. Why would I think of such a thing in public? I found myself questioning as the bathroom door opened agape and Aaliyah came in, wearing a black sports bra, booty shorts, and a red lacy transparent robe that pretended to cover what she wore.

"Hayzen?" she questioned quickly, surprised to see me here.

"I will..." I did not know what to say. As soon as she entered, my mind froze. I'm sure she could already see the effects of her being here, despite my trying my best to pocket. Sweatpants are not the best suitors for men, trust me.

I did not say a word, nor did she. She just came to where I stood in the mirror, cut some piece of toilet paper, and before she could leave, I held her hand, and she turned towards me instantly.

"Aaliyah..." I started, but my mind went blank. I did not even know what I wanted to tell her; I just wanted us to at least look at each other.

"Hayzen..." she whispered as she looked up in frustration, and then back at me. Her eyes, beautiful, soft, and with almost colorless pupils, looked up at me. I think she, too, was fighting. I think she was fighting her feelings, but I did not understand why and whom she was fighting them for.

"Elvis can't know!" she whispered as I let go of her arm, although missing my touch on her.

"He won't. I promise!" I stated, although not sure if I would really keep that promise. I wanted her, I really did. But Elvis being the reason for us not to bond made no sense at all.

"Hayzen..." she added.

"Trust me, we don't talk about a lot of things. I tell him just ten percent of my life," I truly told her using my fingers to show the thin amount of information I deliver to Elvis. However, my eyes could not rest easy, despite her warning, and especially when her body was in front of me. Especially in this kind of exposed way. I knew I was already scanning her, and what interested me most was that she was actually letting me do it. She was giving me a show, and in one moment, I just looked up, trying to ignore all of her. A constant thought had escalated in between my scan towards her, that she was leading me on, and this would obviously lead to nowhere. So, I just looked away towards the bathroom entrance.

"Hayzen…" she called out, and I looked back at her eyes, then at her lips.

"I really want to kiss you," I stated, as my mind imagined and recalled how soft her lips were, how easily they fit in my mouth, and how slowly I could make her weak with my lips. She did not respond to my statement, so I could not initiate, but I decided to toss the coin again. "I really want to kiss you."

"Hayz…" it was more of a whisper, indicating that her emotions were surging and she was really into this. Slightly, and without hesitation, I quickly kissed her lips, and then, in the next moment, I was already embracing her whole mouth with mine. God! My breathing accelerated, as my emotions surged to their peak, and my own groin saluted in approval.

One kiss in front of the mirror led to me pushing her against the bathroom wall. I did not care, and I believe neither did she; we did not care if Elvis was here. I kissed her so passionately, as my right hand, which had dried on the bruised wounds but still had visible open dry wounds, traveled down to her thighs. I raised her lacy robe to my desired distance –around the waist, and then opened the front button of her booty shorts. My left hand held onto her body, as I felt her weight heaving after each kiss I started planting on every exposed skin. Particularly the left side of her neck. It was her weakest spot. I totally acknowledged that now fully true.

My right hand found its way to the hem of her undergarment, and I slightly looked into her eyes, seeing her urge for me to just do it.

"What the hell???" The voice behind us instantly shifted our desires and wants. I quickly removed my cap to hide my frontal base as I saw Aaliyah fix herself.

"I asked what the hell!!!!" Elvis' voice retaliated through the air, and I'm sure even a mosquito would die from fear.

"Brother…" Aaliyah started but was shushed with just one hand.

"What the hell!!" he added again, his face straight at me. If I were to say he had a baby face at that moment, or a funny face, or a simple face, I would be wrong. His face was pure emotionless, pure white, and his jaw clenched, showing the curves of constant days of torture and pain that he had experienced in Iraq.

"Elvis…" I started, my voice quivering and afraid. I felt like a little boy being forced to show the teacher an assignment that he had barely done.

"Didn't I tell you to leave her alone?" he questioned, and I nodded. "Then what!"

His eyes were bloodshot, opening up more as he stated the words. His steps got closer with each word, and his hand was in a super crazy fist, making me realize I had to say something. The only person who could save me was Aaliyah, but she stood there helpless. I wondered if the boyfriend had already left.

"She has a boyfriend," he added, pointing to his sister, "she is in campus," he pointed again, still pointing at Aaliyah, "she barely has had her heart broken," he dictated, his index finger pointed at Aaliyah, and his jaw clenched, still facing me, "and you?" he questioned, "you are a damn doctor!" he exclaimed, his voice more amplified than ever. I had never seen him this way. All my systems had already shut down, and my previous heated and steamy moments were greatly curbed. "You want to hurt her, yeah!" he added, "like you did all those girls, yeah!"

"Elvis!!" I called out, trying to stop him from stating all that I had done in the past, but his index finger suddenly pointed at me.

"Did you care about them? Come on, tell me! Did you ever?"

"I did… Elvi…" I tried hard, realizing Aaliyah was also listening attentively, as she too had never heard this set of stories. I hoped she did not have the notion that I ever raped someone. I truly did not do it; they were the ones who actually gave themselves to me. I never did it un consensually.

"Does she even know about them?" he questioned.

"They… I… She..," I wanted to say she was different, but I knew the word "different" would probably earn me a fist beating.

"Hayzen; Racheal, Jasmine, Risper, Nancy,…" he was naming them as if they were recorded on his scalp, "What's your body count…" laughing before even finishing the statement, "wait, let's play a game, truth or drink, yeah… Yeah?!" He stated, and I was dumbfounded. "Or will you now say you have a shift?" he asked.

I did not say a word. I did not want to talk about my past, especially my previous lifestyle five or four years between the line. Out of despair, I had slept with many girls, but it was all for fun and games. I always told them before engaging 'just for fun'. I would truly do anything for them even now if they called me. I totally regret that side of me. But Elvis making me play this game, God!

"Or… for you, it will be truth or a fist. That which you don't want to talk about, I'll give you one beating." He stated, and I still kept quiet as I imagined how many questions I would be given and those for which I would receive a thorough beating.