WebNovelTHE SIMP94.29%


"Let's go somewhere," I told her after the little lip brush, and started the car immediately, after I plugged in some Chris Brown music.

She was singing to the beautiful music as I accelerated through the sharp corners and demanding highways of San Francisco. I wanted to take her to the safari first, although I did not have an idea, how much time it would take. It was not a lengthy distance, I was sure, but the highway was a little busier, making us wait longer.

After an hour, we arrived at the great safari and were welcomed by a very entertaining game warden. We were a crowd of about ten people, so it was easier to ask questions and take pictures.

"Do you like it here?" I asked Aaliyah as she was taking a picture of the caged tiger. She wore some black shades, maybe due to the full shift in the weather to sunny. It was around three in the evening, but the sun was shining as intensely as midday. Anyway, she nodded to my question as I held her hand, something I was overly nervous to do since we left our car and entered the park.

"Can I take a picture of you?" I questioned after realizing the people could not stop asking questions about the caged tiger, meaning moving to the next animal would take a while.

"You should have brought a camera," Aaliyah stated in a quiet whisper, but the girl next to her heard and chuckled. Man, Aaliyah hurt me there. 'Why would I leave a camera?' My mind too questioned myself

"It's alright, we can come next time," I stated as the guide led us to another point full of ostriches and elephants and all that.

"Are you two dating?" one of the old men walking with us questioned, and I just shook my head.

"Friends, but I like her," I stated, laughing, as Aaliyah nervously chuckled too, making everyone look back at us and then at the warden, who was explaining something about how the transportation of animals is done.

Anyway, after Aaliyah's comment about me not having a real camera, my interest in the animals dropped from one hundred to zero. I was just trying to be nice and not waste my entrance fee. At least I got to spend time with Aaliyah.

"Are you okay?" Aaliyah questioned as we now departed from observing all the animals. I just nodded.

"You don't seem like it," she added, and I decided to stop acting out and just tell the truth, but not right here. There were too many people.

I led her to the car, and after entering, I decided to speak. "You know, I was trying to be nice," I stated, my eyes focused on Aaliyah and hers on mine.

"What do you mean?" she questioned.

"I honestly just wanted to take a picture of you. I know this sounds petty," I said, trying to save myself, "but telling me I should have brought a camera, damn, that hurt." I was honest with her. For the first time in many years, I was honest with my feelings when someone hurt me. Most times, I would just suppress them, deal with them alone, and when I felt better, come back as if nothing had happened.

"You know I wasn't serious," Aaliyah stated, her hand reaching out to mine. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I'm sometimes petty," I stated, feeling stupid. This is why I never articulated my feelings—the feeling that comes after, of being stupid and petty.

"No, no, I'm happy. Actually, it's my first time getting out of my routine. 'Class to home, or to your apartment.' At least you've given me something to walk through and see, beyond my normal boring routine." I nodded to that, feeling a little nice for being praised, especially by Aaliyah.

It was now half an hour to six in the evening, and the evening sun was already gradiating the city.

"Do you want to watch the evening sun?" I questioned, thinking of a place where the evening sun glitters on a person's full body and face. Realizing Aaliyah was taking time answering the question, I looked at her. I had already averted my eyes to the side mirror to see if the car parked behind me had left, motioning me to leave.

On watch, the sun's rays were gradiating her face, making her exceptionally beautiful and glowing wonderfully. This forced me to take my phone and just take a picture of her, making her look at me as if I had committed a sinful act that would still stand no judgment.

"You are beautiful," I stated, looking at the picture, as I started the car engine, reversed it, and started my way to the tarmac.

I felt the time was still early for us to head home, so instead of driving to Elvis' apartment first, we entered a mall. I think its name is Ferocious Mall, or Simmer. It contains all these summer clothes, from light dresses, top glimmering men's shorts, and beachwear. The main reason was to buy Aaliyah some other shades, as I realized she really looked good in the ones she was wearing at the safari.

Afterward, we went shopping. She bought a lot of groceries, claiming that Elvis and I were similar. I had already forgotten that when I welcomed her into my house that night, the apartment was dirty, especially the living room. Additionally, the kitchen fridge did not have anything to shove; most of the things, I believe, were already expired, other than the drinks, whiskey, and all that. She stated that Elvis did shopping when necessary; otherwise, he would take driveway food for the whole week or just eat at some random hotel.

After the grocery shopping and the mall, we started our journey to the apartment. My plan was to drop her at her home. I did not want Elvis to hate me. Additionally, I did not want her to think I was doing all these things to have anything with her.

"Where are we going?" she asked as I parked in the outside parking area of the marine apartments.

"I'm taking you home," I stated as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Are you serious? All these groceries are for me?" she questioned, wondering why she was suddenly amazed and surprised.

"Yeah, everything," I stated, hoping she would not refuse my offer. Honestly speaking, all the lettuce, tomatoes, and other groceries we had bought would never be cooked in my apartment. I would never have the slightest time to even cook. I haven't even dry cleaned my clothes yet.

"Let's go inside at least," she stated, as I nodded, heading out to the trunk and carrying almost all the things. They sure were many groceries. Elvis will literally question my intentions with his sister, but that wasn't the matter. Actually, Elvis questioning me was the spark that made me want to just pursue the girl. It just reminded me of how much I gave away in my past relationship and how much my mind ate me up for not fighting for Kate and the child. So, this Elvis action was actually motivating me to continue doing what I had to do to win Aaliyah. Additionally, I did like her, and I just wanted her.

We arrived at the elevator and then at Elvis' apartment. Elvis was not home, so I helped Aaliyah arrange everything in the fridge. Afterward, we watched a movie for an hour, as she requested I stay for a while, saying she feared the new neighbors who had just moved in. Elvis had not yet arrived, so I just stayed.

"I don't think he will come today," Aaliyah stated.

"Are you okay here alone?" I questioned, wondering if she was directing me to leave and let her adjust to the boredom of her brother being somewhere else. "Should I call him?"

"No, he does not prefer being disturbed sometimes." Thinking, "We can watch another movie. How about Fifty Shades?" she questioned, and I just agreed, for I had never actually watched the movie. I used to hear its synopsis during my campus life, but I was never interested in watching. My campus life was shitty; school and personal issues very much busied my day to even focus on downloading a movie and watching it.

"Come," Aaliyah directed as she made a little space that would fit my body next to hers on the couch. I let myself lie next to her as she laid her head on my chest, and the movie started. 'Someone should have told me dirty movies still exist!'

Watching Fifty Shades in Elvis' apartment would be the worst thing I would ever do. It is like having Elvis in my apartment with my sister watching... I don't know what. Hell, I would kick him out. 'My sister can never marry a man from the military or police force; those people are just damn cold!' That was what my mind always clicked.