Chapter 45: Sanctuary (8)

Chapter 45: Sanctuary (8)

~Third POV~

Everyone else with the Mash group began to move out of the Mansion with Frederica eyeing back towards the battle between Garfiel and Elsa asking in a worried tone, "Sir Bastion-san, what exactly do you intend to abandon Garfiel?"

He shook his head waiting his eyes tilting towards the sides as he spoke to Frederica in a serious tone, "Frederica can you smell any signs of the Demon Beast near the area?"

Confused by the sudden request Frederica sniffed the surroundings as her eyes widened in shock at the sudden appearance of Demon Beast surrounding the Mansion, "W-What! How did they manage to surround the Mansion!"

Mash and Otto both looked at each nodding as the Merchant responded holding Petra to his side, "Looks like little miss Meili came out to play as you predicted Mash. You can rely on me to take them to safety!"

Mash merely smiled stifling a laugh responding much to Otto being bullied, "I trust Frederica to keep you both safe than you Otto. But whatever floats your boat."

He cried tears at Mash messing with him in a discouraged tone, "Oh, that's just mean!"

Before they could continue speaking another voice entered the conversation drawing their attention to Meili appearing with her army of Demon Beast, "Wow, I'm amazed! I couldn't believe it when none of you died while facing my big sis!"


Meili appeared to ride on a Wagpig. Along with the Wapig were also other dangerous Demon Beasts of the Black Winged Rat, Wolgarm, and Guiltylowe.

The expressions of everyone except for Mash turned to caution with Meili having a grin on her face confident with her forces, "Hello again big brother! Glad to see your alive since my Big Sis wants to have a few words with you! But still, I'll be taking those maids now. I'll be especially gentle with Petra-chan. She's my friend, after all."

Petra seeing this tries to be cheerful trying to reason with her to let them go, "Y-Yay! I'm so glad! If we're really my friend, you could even let me go, you know!"

Meili pondered the idea before grinning a bit wider replying much to Petra's disappointment with the answer, "We are friends... so you'll play with me until the very end, right?"

Petra frowned at this bit nervous replying to Mash whom she was near in a defeated tone, "Uh... Sorry, Mash! I don't think it worked!"

Mash nodded in understanding as Frederica tried to move forward only for Mash to stop her as he spoke out loud in confidence, "No worries, Miss Frederica. I can handle this but I can't keep you guys safe and fight her with Demon Beast. Allow me to handle this girl... no, this assassin. The rest of you can run while I do."

Frederica gazed at Mash's eyes remaining determined frowning but ultimately agreed under a condition, "Very well… but on the condition you save everyone."

Mash merely grinned understanding with a nod readying his blade with the others leaving with his focus now on Meili pouting at the scene annoyed, "Hey, wait! Don't just decide that yourself! Petra-chan! Nyah! I won't let you get away with this! Get them, Rock Piggie!"


Commanding her Demon Beast Mash activated his [Unseen Hands] as 30 of them appeared coming out from his body confidently making his way to them, "I wouldn't worry about them too much Meili. And your little band of beasts won't be enough."

Meili furrows her eyes at him confused but cautious by his words childishly asking, "Huh? What the heck – "



Suddenly all the shadowy appendages attacked the Mad Beast brutally causing Meili to be stunned seeing the Demon Beast she collected begin to be crushed or maimed by an unknown force.


The Demon Beast was soon flung into the air to the outside people. But in reality, the shadowy appendages began to slam the Demon Beast like toys as their body parts were mangled by the force like ragdolls.

Each contained the force of a cannonball. More than enough to kill the Demon Beast in his way causing the Demon Beast to be dealt with. If not simply phase inside their body and attack them bleeding from the inside out or simply aim at the brain killing them.

The Guiltylowe roared charging forward in an attempt to munch down on Mash as he side glanced at the creature moving his arm in its direction and responding, "Up you go."


10 pairs of shadowy figures soon caught and lifted the Guiltylowe flailing at being caught with Mash's hand slowly clenching saying, "And bite the dust."


All the hands began to crush the Guiltylowe like it was a fruit showing a brutal grotesque scene scaring Meili seeing that her forces were reduced to nothing in seconds.

Despite the show of power, Mash had the upper hand seeing the rest of the Demon Beast wary of coming towards him with the Witch Scent as he spoke out, "As much as I like the EXP you are bringing me, Meili… I have other things to be doing. But don't worry…"

Meili flinched seeing the innocent expression on his face of the words coming out of his mouth casually coming towards her, "Mob spawner – Ehm! EXP Grinder – Err… I mean Meili your older brother will take care of you once you behave?"

Meili seeing this just nope the situation quickly trying to run away not going to get captured by him, "Nope! Not gonna be dealing with – ahhhh!!!"


Before she could have the chance one of the shadowy hands grabbed hold of her by the clothes as he spoke out in a calm tone, "And this is good night Meili."


With one karate chop to the neck, Meili was knocked out with Mash eyeing the remaining Demon Beast with a feral grin plastered on his face and said in excitement, "I hope Emilia and the others allow me to use you to hunt Demon Beast in a controlled environment. But better clean up house I got a kid to save."


30 of his [Unseen Hands] emerged from his body looming around his body as they soon began to launch towards the Demon Beast finishing up his part of the plan…



Clashing again avoiding her lethal blows Garfiel avoided attempts made towards his stomach with Elsa overjoyed by the prolonged fight, "Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! That one's already—"


Swiping one hand with her dagger Elsa finally managed to cut up Garfiels leg but ignoring the pain pierced Elsa through her eye using his hand acting like a spear.



Managing to land on his feet Elsa lay on the ground commenting on her wounds in a casual tone bleeding only to recover and standing up smiling, "Ah... That hurt. This is pain. It makes me feel so alive."

Garfiel growled annoyed at how Elsa won't die easily mumbling to himself, "Damn it... This ain't funny. The boss did say this bitch wouldn't die easy, but still..."

Elsa instead of attacking casually replied to Garfiel's annoyance with a neutral smile dawning on her face in a neutral tone, "Do you dislike women such as me? My wounds heal instantly, meaning I can fight forever. Do you feel there's any point in fighting a woman like me?"

Garfiel clicked his tongue swiping his hand and glaring at Elsa hatefully but said in a determined tone, "Don't be dumb! I'll just keep kickin' your ass, no matter how many times you heal!

Elsa was stunned by Garfiel's words before smiling happily at the confused teen pointing her daggers at him, "How truly wonderful... And that's exactly why it's so sad. You sense the presence of large numbers of Demon Beast, don't you? Isn't your concern dulling the force of your attacks?"

Garfiel instead of being concerned grinned confidently toward Mash's strength readying his battle stance, "Hah! Like hell, it is! Not for Boss! No matter how many Demon Beast show up, he's just gonna laugh as he sends 'em all flyin'!"


Elsa side-eyed and glanced at the tossed Demon Beast corpse outside with Garfiel being more confident raising his fist into the air, "What did I tell ya? Demon Beast are a piece o' cake for the boss! Don't you think you might be overestimating him?"


Elsa rushed forward instead of responding twirling her daggers around intending to cut up his face. Garfiel sensing this immediately used his mouth to counter the daggers intending to cut him.


Breaking through her daggers using his mouth. Garfiel grinned feeling his blood pumping adrenaline through him with Elsa changing weapons and taking out two weapons. One Black and White Blade.

The White Blade is a thick kukri with a surprisingly large amount of mass specialized for crushing bone. The bladed portion can extend a string of blades not dissimilar from a snake sword for mid-range attacks.

The Black Blade looks like her standard knives but has distinctive serrated edges that give it the appearance of animal teeth. It's supposedly created for goring opponents rather than ripping them.

Readying their next encounter both rushed forward. Twirling her daggers at Garfiel intending to strike the stomach he countered slamming his foot on the ground using his Divine Protection.


Uplifting the ground beneath them forced Elsa to disrupt her momentum. Garfiel took the chance to attack slamming his fist towards her face intending to cave her head in. Elsa seeing this quickly tried to block the attack.


Defending himself Garfiel used his twin shields to deflect the attacks. Glaring at the signs of his shields showing signs of damage he kept on the defensive with Elsa ruthlessly attacking his shields to destroy them.




The sounds of metal clashing could be heard Garfiel forced on the defensive. He glared at her trying to find an opening as he roared out loud Beastification his right arm into a large tiger muscular arm shocking Elsa, "ARGHHHHHH!!!!"


Slamming her across the floor her body was sent flying with a noticeable portion of her face missing as he growled annoyed at her, "Grrr… how t'bout you like that you annoying vampire bitch…"

However, he growled louder seeing her face begin to regenerate thanks to her [Curse Doll] commenting on how the prolonged battle will be in her favor in a confident tone, "While your body becomes injured all over, my wounds continue to heal themselves. Are you starting to find it unfair?"

Garfiel despite being exhausted grinned still having confidence in battling against Elsa standing up again determined, "Huh? I ain't broken yet. If I just keep killin' ya until you die, you'll die. Right, vampire?! One of the witches was a vampire a long time ago. That witch is dead, so I can kill you, too. If you swear, you'll never do bad shit again, I might just let ya off the hook."

Elsa stunned by his words smiled contently genuinely happy of his words as she began to monologue about her backstory, "You really are absolutely precious. Gusteco, the land to the north where I was born, was a very, very cold place. I was abandoned as a child. I hurt people and stole from them day after day. I had no time to think about things like living or being happy. One day, during a blizzard, I was stealing from a shop, and its owner captured me – "


Hearing from behind her in the hallway Mash emerged having his body bloodied and signs of combat shown yelling at her annoyed, "Seriously I've searched this world, this ENTIRE UNIVERSE, looking for who asked."

Garfiel grinned happily agreeing with Mash's words putting his fists up, "Ha! I agree! Shut up! No one asked! If ya know that, why the hell did ya blather on about it?"

Elsa tilted her head equally confused not speaking in a rational tone, "Why, indeed... It must be because you're so very endearing."

Mash stuck his tongue out disgusted by Elsa's words commenting on her love interest in a disgusted tone, "Yuck… you do realize he like 14 years old you goddamn psycho bitch pedophile."

Elsa sent a hard cold glare directed towards Mash muttering with a strained smile, "How cold. But that's all right. It's only your insides that I have business with. My love for you will begin after I kill you, both. Garfiel Tinzel. Mash Bastion."

With that, the boys rushed towards Elsa intending for this battle to end once and for all…