Chapter 52: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 52: The Seven Deadly Sins

~Third POV~

The Forest of White Dreams is a forest covered by fog for the entire year, which makes it very difficult to travel through since individuals can easily lose their sense of direction inside.

Even individuals habituated to traveling, such as hunters, avoid the forest; it is thus a very ideal place to hide from Holy Knights. The forest is very huge, and one may not find even a single creature after walking for more than three hours.

Its only known inhabitants are the Hide-and-Seek, who are capable of confusing people by mimicking and disguising themselves as others.

Hide-and-Seeks are small imp-like creatures with a large bulging nose between two eyes at the sides of their head, comparatively long and largemouth, and pointed teeth. All of the imps appear to wear shoes and a ragged cloak with a hood.

The Hide-and-Seek from the Forest of Awepine wears hoods with animal ears-like shapes. When they impersonate someone, they completely and accurately copy all of the individual's appearance…


Stepping outside the portal Mash protected by his [Mana Skin] merely walked out analyzing his predicament. The fresh air of a breeze hit his face as the portal closed.

Opening his eyes and moving around Mash observes that the area his currently in seems to be full of life with grass and trees around here with a fog pondering out loud in curiosity, "I wonder where exactly am I? The area looks clear and crystal clean. And the Mana…"

Taking a moment to use [Mana Drain] in the surrounding atmosphere around him he began to start walking seeking a way out using [Eyes of Mana] muttering in a curious tone, "… The Mana is certainly potent and clean. At the very least I can safely assume it's a Magic filled world at least. And mental debuff of the forest? Fascinating."

Walking his way using [Eyes of Mana] Mash detected traces of Mana in the life of others. He was impressed sensing some figures eyeing him with caution.

Mash observed the scene being encased with fog but also figures known as the Hide-and-Seek eyeing them using his [Observe] skill to gather info. But he also took a glance at their figures.

Hide-and-Seeks are small imp-like creatures with a large bulging nose between two eyes at the sides of their head, comparatively long and large mouths, and pointed teeth. All of the imps appear to wear shoes and a ragged cloak with a hood. The Hide-and-Seek from the Forest of Awepine wears hoods with animal ears-like shapes.

With one glare and [Bloodlust] skill, they backed off fleeing the area. Looking around the area Mash took out some camping tools from his [Sub-Space] muttering quietly, "Okay that takes care for what world I'm in. The Seven Deadly Sins huh… just to be sure."

Summoning up his [Unseen Hands] to begin setting up camp Mash began to observe the area using his [Observe] skill. Upon doing so he got info of the place grinning seeing he found the right location to avoid prying eyes.


Location: The Forest of White Dreams

Description: The Forest of White Dreams is a forest covered by fog for the entire year, which makes it very difficult to travel through since individuals can easily lose their sense of direction inside. Even individuals habituated to traveling, such as hunters, avoid the forest; it is thus a very ideal place to hide from other races.

The forest is very huge, and one may not find even a single creature after walking for more than three hours. Its only known inhabitants are the Hide-and-Seek, who are capable of confusing people by mimicking and disguising themselves as others. One of the Seven Deadly Sins Diane the [Serpent's Sin of Envy] resides in hiding for 10 years.


Mash's eyes widen seeing the info muttering to himself surprised in disbelief at what he found out, "Oh…. I guess Meliodas hasn't found her yet or he hasn't met with Elizabeth huh? Means I'm a bit early into canon then."

Pondering in his thoughts he realized that he was allowed to think critically of the situation in a new light, "Right… since I'm a bit early there are certain items that are up for grabs. Good ones to be exact but how is the question…?"

Sitting down cross-legged with the [Unseen Hands] working on a meal and setting up a tent Mash began to remember any specific events occurring in this world, "With me finding Diane this early must mean the following arcs are going to be ready. Guess I'm tagging along with the Seven Deadly Sins then. Better to prepare some roasted pig since I recall that was her favorite."

With the idea of tagging along with them, Mash decided his next course of action as he opens up his Gamer Ring showing a map feature pondering in an annoyed tone, "Still have to chart the damn map though. This could take some time and math…"

Mash was left pondering on what exactly should he do in this world while considering what's right or wrong in this new challenge of the Seven Deadly Sins.

He began to walk investigating the forest out of curiosity muttering to himself with hints of caution, "Still despite the high level of Mana from Diane I should be careful of her. Still with my Authorities, I should be okay."

With that Mash began to use [Sprint] to quickly find Diane a bit excited to see a Giant Clan Woman other than the one he met with Re: Zero being normal size or taller than him.


Running fast forward Mash immediately stopped as he noticed the bushes moving around, he responded to the imps in the area in a cheerful tone, "Yo! Are you the famed Hide-and-Seeks that live in this area? Do you mind if I make a camp here temporarily for the night?"

That was when they stopped hearing the news of them being discovered as they were hidden but Mash seeing that they didn't come out just shrugged his shoulders as he continued further inside the forest.

While examining the area and searching around the area, he found a decent area with a waterfall and plants in the area along with some fish in the area for fresh food it brought a smile to his face talking to himself happily, "Sweet! Looks like I would save my supplies by eating some fish. And fresh water judging from the looks of it great."

Grabbing some fish using his [Unseen Hands] doing all the work Mash collected the fish to use as cooking material as he continued his search muttering to himself annoyed, "You would think it would be easy to find a Giant Woman in this thick of the woods huh? Man, now I feel like Steven seeing a giant woman."

After wandering around Mash finally managed to find Diane one of the Seven Deadly Sins curled up asleep. As a giant, Diane is several times larger than an ordinary human being. She is a fair maiden, described as 'lovely, beautiful' with purple eyes and medium-length brown hair which is tied up into large twin tails.

She has a well-endowed and curvaceous body. Similar to most of the other Seven Deadly Sins, her facial appearance is relatively childlike and has shown little change over the years. Diane's wanted poster depicts her with light-colored hair.

Her symbol, which is of the Serpent, is located on her left outer thigh. Her attire consisted of a short-sleeved one-piece orange suit, boots with five crossed laces that extend almost up to her knees, and two finger-less gauntlets of a blue-grey leathery material covered in shiny steel stud.

Once he found her one of the imps nearby him shuddered seeing Mash as he yelled out loud making him freeze in place, "Diane-sama!! We've let a Holy Knight through!!"



Immediately alerted Diane's eyes flashed open followed by her slamming her hand onto the ground standing up and the other quickly swiping at Mash who managed to get out of his stupor realizing the immediate danger he found himself in.



Immediately retaliating Mash summoned up the remaining [Unseen Hands] grabbing ahold of Diane's giant hand surprised by the sudden strength as both backed off analyzing each other now.

Diane clenched her fingers gazing at it lightly narrowing her eyes down at Mash glaring down at him with caution, "Did you say [Holy Knight]?"

Mash glared at the Imp before he tried to explain the situation to Diane about the mix-up in a calm tone, "He said [Holy Knight] but I'm not one. Nor have I declared myself as one why you beautiful maiden."

Diane paused at his words before gloating about her beauty with a light grin Mash trying to calm the tension in the air, "Hmph! Of course, you would after all I'm a very beautiful girl. But if you aren't a [Holy Knight] then human what purpose could you have with me?"

Mash used his [Disguise] skill the Authority of Lust hiding his intention in a confused tone answering Diane's question, "Huh? Why would I want to do anything with you? I was simply wandering around the forest exploring out of habit or finding any food. I just happen to find you Diane by complete chance."

Diane tries to find any lies from him but with Mash using [Disguise] to 'disguise' his emotions she ultimately lets her guard down but not completely raise an eyebrow at the boy getting information, "Really….? You have no idea who I am then?"

Mash merely raised an eyebrow stating the obvious trying to get on Diane's good side in a confused tone, "Like other how you're a sweet, beautiful Maiden in the middle of The Forest of White Dreams minding her own business… till the little Imp ruined your sleep."

Diane's eyes glazed towards the Imp as it ran away not wanting to get smashed by her strength sighed in a tired tone giving a wink at him, "Sigh… fair point. So then… can you please not sell out this fair sweet maiden? Tee-hee?"

Much to Diane's surprise, Mash agreed with a nod as the smell of roasted pig was in the air he grinned offering her a chance to eat with him, "Very well then. Although I know this isn't much would you like to have something to eat with me? I'm making some roasted pig as an apology I don't mind sharing for bothering you."

Diane hearing the offer of her favorite food being roasted Pig was offered she gulped down wiping away the saliva from her face taking the offer, "Gulp… sure. It's been a while since I had roasted pig although…"

Returning to her reasoning she gazed at Mash with a curious glint in her eyes towards Mash in a curious tone, "… you do know Giants are savages, right? We fight all the time. And you are being kind to me?"

At this Mash surprised her with his words being genuine tilting his head confused, "What do you mean? It's only right since I bothered you. And why not? I mean I get to talk to a pretty girl like you. Is there something wrong with that?"

Diane blinked a bit surprised by Mash's words recalling only Meliodas treated her like a normal girl with a grin shaking her head, "No. You have the right attitude so… what's this about roasted pig?"

Mash grinned seeing her change in tune being kind to the giant girl like a normal person would be the easiest way to calm her down while using [Observe] on her.

[Diane Lv.? Serpent's Sin of Envy

Description: Diane is the Serpent's Sin of Envy of the Seven Deadly Sins. She is a member of the Giant Clan and is thus much larger than ordinary people, including her fellow Deadly Sins. Her Sacred Treasure is the War Hammer Gideon that she lost in a ravine, which she uses in conjunction with her inherent power, [Creation].]

Viewing her info, he led Diane to his place of camp with an upbeat atmosphere to enjoy each other's time starting his journey in this world.